Hypocrisy at its best
Children of sons and daughters of  Kakodkar, Adv. Bembre are being
educated in English primary schools Mr Parikar finds that educating
his son in USA is better than corresponding  opportunities in India Mr
Batikar finds that running a primary education is much more profitable
It is clear that these are hypocrites , who are out to thrust their
wisdom on the children of other parents. Their  own sons and daughters
have the freedom to choose, but the same privilege is not available,
to the other  parents These staunch supporters of regional languages
were in hibernation at the spread of unaided English medium  primary
schools, without raising a finger of protest and which fact has
spurred the present  movement. These schools have created a vertical
divide in the society between  those who can afford and others who
have to take what they get. There is no formal training of regional
language teachers, evaluation of the standards of teaching, difficulty
of the taught, evaluation of the teaching material and yet these so
called pseudo educationists  are crying fowl. Why do we need to
encourage Kanada and Urdu medium primary schools in Goa without
reciprocal arrangements for Goans in those states, Do we have any
arrangement for Konkani language teaching anywhere outside Goa and
specially in Maharashtra, where there is sizable Goan population?Are
we fighting openly to propagate Konkani the regional language and
official state language, or trying to promote Marahti , state language
of Maharashtra?. A popular daily has opened up its space for dissent,
that is ludicrous for a man of letters and which has been bashed and
refuted to expose the double talk and tear the mask of hypocrisy It is
said Physician should heal himself first and do not attempt to make
others guinea pigs of pedagogical experiments It would be more
sensible to withdraw in dignity rather than rationalising  in a escape
route of self defense that sounds hollow and unworthy. The respect and
admiration people had for these individuals of integrity and character
has evaporated, because they do not command respect of their own
immediate family members The devanagri script has made the situation
worse, as the religious scriptures are  in Romi form . It appears that
the state language Konkani is the sole responsibility of Minority
Schools If Konani and Marathi is made compulsory up to std X, how the
learning and preservation will be diminished? Language is not the sole
repository of culture. Remember for a moment that without formal
teaching and learning Konkani it has survived and spread for over 450
years of determined persecution. None of todays votaries of regional
languages had any say or part in this process.  20 years of English
medium Primary schools and another 20 years in Konkani medium has not
not upset the apple cart of Goan culture
What steps have been taken to implement the official language act?
What other  steps have been taken to promote regional languages?
Politicians are simply agitating to revive their sagging political
careers and fortunes. Only time will tell that stamping upon peoples
right to choose will impact adversely and you will live to rue the
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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