Can you trust Goa police
They are supposed to be the guardians of law, but past experience has
shown theyare law unto themselves. The politicians are making them run
their errands,be at their back and call,,bend the laws and oblige them
by all means, that is  the advantage of being in power The
politicians controll their promotions, transfers and naturally  police
try and please them Can the common man expect to get fair treatment
without political influence? Supporters rush to the politicians either
to harass their opponents or coerce them to act. It is common
knowledge that complaints are not registered or notices  served for
investigation unless and untill their palms are greased .Try and get
any services which are  a part of duty and one will encounter road
blocks Police are found to substitute drugs with jaggery ,Many drug
peddlars are forced to sell confiscated drugs under threat of being
framed.Atala was deliberately helped to escape to avoid police being
connered, Lucky the willing witnes was not interogated in Atala case
Police themselves were enjoying with a prostitute and recorded the
felatio on video.The murder of Scarlet was botched up, until public
out cry Many murders are passed off as unnatural death In recent time
the murder of Melwin gomes was another case were people forced
action.It is a shame that a police officer was suspended for
inordinate delay.Who knows that evidence against the serial killer
Mahanand was a deliberate act of dirilection of duty for some
pecuniary gain .Know comes the case of bribes in drowning case for the
fear of belng framed in muder Police selectively investigate similar
offences ,where their interest are served well. Matka the gambling
activity enjoys police protection for regular hafta. which adds to
their salary enhancement considerably.In fact it is a windfall thatvis
shared at all levels  The lower cadre of police force are privy to the
loot of their supperiors and are thus embolden to act with impunity,
unless tracked in the act. It is unbelievable that these acts of
malfeance are without the knowledge of the boss who turns a blind eye
The police will not act on any illegal activities of their supperiors
for the fear of being ostracised into police training accademy to
languish as the punishment. Transfers ,suspensions are only to throw
dust in peoples eyes and they will soon be back to their old games
with renewed vigour and even vengeance Police reforms must be made
accountable and free fro political interference, but this wishful
thinking must  wait indefinitely In the mean time it is only a
vigilant  people that can force the law enforces to act as per the
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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