Corrupt practices by Banks
The Govt of Goa through KVIC extends  subsidy as a component of loans
for small scale and cottage industries.  The project is to be prepared
at a cost to get sanction from the Govt .body and involves a lot of
formalities. The Nationalised Banks  willingly promote and personally
encourage such activities as a part of their loan advancing strategy.
They appropriate the subsidy first as installment of the total loan
liability sanctioned. What is disgusting and unpardonable is the
covert approach for bribes as high as 20% ,knowing that the said loan
is for the purpose of development and not personal consumption on
luxuries The understanding and reasoning is that it is only a part of
subsidy and not the actual loan advanced. The tragedy is that after
going through this rigorous painstaking, time consuming tedious
process the proposals are denied, delayed and caught under
administrative red tape, unless the illegal demands are satisfied.
Some time the person has to suffer loss of expenditure on feasibility
report or have to resubmit it to another Nationalised Bank and
eventually get the sanction for the same amount as before. This
corruption was known to exist, but now it is perfectly normal and
appears to be confirmed beyond any doubts. Unless and until the higher
ups in the  management are a party  to these illegal gratifications of
loan sanctions, the system will continue with their blessings One
dares the Authorities to investigate all such proposals sanctioned or
otherwise, around the place and find out the delays, refusals and
harassment by oblique means of unashamed  corruption.and not to take
shelter ounder proofs and identities
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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