Message: 7
From: "Con Menezes" <>
To: "JoeGoaUk" <>

Dear Con,
Dear Joe,
We are very new readers of Goanet!, here in Goa for the past three years only and getting to know who-is-who, what-is-what, etc. etc. from this website. Yes, but rarely have we read Thank You letters for jobs well done, Con, such as yours!! What a delightful email this is, so refreshing, like after the heavy Monsoon rains / showers. Joe, you are obviously an ingenious guy not to disclose who you are, where you live .... and most importantly, for doing the tremendous work that you do, without looking for recognition! Kudos to those who work for the betterment of our society, who despatch 'thank you' notes, words of gratitude to those so deserving and, most of all, to those who work tirelessly and selflessly for the Goans abroad, and here in Goa.
Thank You, Deu Borem Corum, and Muito Obrigado!!
Betsy and Richard Nunes

Hi Joe,
Its the readers that should thank you, like Camillo does.
Your photo journalism has kept Goanet readers informed of developments around our Goa, exposed all aspects and happenings over the state. There is so much that I have come to know about Goa, its verdant beauty in the rains, its culinary as well as its cultural side, in short all Goa's myriad aspects.
Do you  ever have time to spend time with your family??
You appear to virtually spend quite a lot of your time with us, your Goanet readers!! I remember inviting you , when I was in Goa, earlier this year,for lunch or dinner, at any venue of your choice, with no expenses spared (remember?) just to be able to get to know you ,and to find out what drives you to inform us all, at immense expense. I was curious to know who that 'mysterious' JoeGoaUK is, but as is your way, you preferred to remain 'incognito'!
Nevertheless I respected  your wishes.
As I said to you before and I quote
'Goanetters seek him here,
They seek him there,
But never find JoeGoaUK anywhere!!!!
Please accept my gratitude for everything  you do for us.
I also take this opportunity to thank Frederick Noronha for his professional journalistic presentations, Rajan Parrikar for his very beautiful photo shots, around the world, but particularly of Goa. I cant remember seeing Goa in all its beauty as RP depicts through his lenses, and to all others that make Goanet a very interesting journey for me and, I expect, to many many others like me.
Thank You, Deu Borem Corum, and Muito Obrigado!!
Con. Menezes

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