Banks are fast emerging  into mine fields of corruption, The bad loans
and advances cost the depositors huge losses, though the effect is not
direct with one to one correspondence The bankers show maximum
courtesies to loan seekers and pander to them selectively The emphasis
on loan advances takes a priority over resource mobilization, which
are taken for granted. The service to the depositors and charges are
rising without any benefit t to them. A large share of profits is
gobbled up in paying salaries and perks A special interest is
demonstrated in encouraging loans, where there is subsidy content. The
demand in bribes can be in the bracket of 20% which should not bother
the seeker ,being a small part of Govt. subsidy The delays and ,
harassment are a deliberate part of the strategy The Govt subsidy is
immediately appropriated towards loan installment The speed of loan
sanction depends on the percentages coughed up to satisfy the greed of
the  sanctioning authority, The truth is that the higher authorities
are hand in gloves with these malpractices to reign in the
subordinate functionaries These  casually scrutinized  ,unviable loans
of doubtful  integrity   are tailored to acceptable guidelines for
immediate release  and later  result in bad debts, which are
eventually  written off. These then are accumulated into non
performing assets Need to curb these demands of percentages, as the
loans are for development and subsidy is the encouragement. Nelson
Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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