Sow The Seeds Of Metamorphosis Today


The first salvo has been fired, the bugle has sounded off, looks like war is
inevitable, but what everyone should be looking at is, was there any sustained
peace in Ali Baba's den since the inception of the last five year funfair, four
years ago ? Even then it was the curious case of the prodigal sons, who ruled
the roost but are still discontented and expecting much more than just a pound
of flash. Isn't the Goan political jamboree fun to watch ? 


Ever since the Congress gained power with the help of the erstwhile disgruntled
foes turned lovers, more than four years ago, the love hate relationship has
been palpable in more ways than one, right from the offset of this relationship,
and the double edged sword has been constantly swinging above and over the CM's
chair, but fortunately or unfortunately, CM's neck has surprisingly remained
intact, on the narrow shoulders of Digambar Kamat, even though many attempts
were made by the cantankerous and venal elements in the ruling coalition, all
along it has certainly been the story of the cat with nine lives, in this mad
hankering for power. 


Over the years our CM has displayed his immense manipulative powers, on more
than one occasion, be it, maintaining the security of his almighty chair against
all odds or be it, to put in place the disgruntled elements inside or outside is
power domain, he is still standing tall and towering over, even his physically
towering adversaries. Did anyone of us think, he would survive and complete the
last term, leave alone complete this second term ? In the latest fiasco, the CM
was effective enough to put in place the disgruntled duo with his potent wile
and at the same time sent a stern message to the others, this is just another
feather in his cap on the cynical battlefield of Politics, genius indeed! 


Now what will be the next step of the predictable disgruntled lot ? Wait till
the seats are declared, which is predictable enough, because last time round,
the Congress was made to eat the humble pie, but this time the script could be
different and may not have the same desired finale, as Goans have seen enough of
charades to last them a life time. Konkani and Mopa the touchstones that shifted
the dynamics of emotions of the Goan voters in the past, have been made defunct
with its euphoria dying a premature death. We all know that exploited
frustration can wreak vengeance, so what hogwash will we be subjected to, this
time round ? 


There is little doubt that all and sundry will be polishing their personal
repertoires, and go around with their begging bowl with misty-eyed empathy for
the common man and making even more empty promises, but let's not delude
ourselves with the seasonal superficial goodness that's displayed in abundance
by our venal and phony politicians, infact let them be the tangible reminders of
their limitless unfulfilled pledges and promises.  


At the moment, both, ruling and the opposition parties in Goa, certainly look to
be bereft of any inspirational leadership except for their manipulative best,
trying to hold on to power, for obvious reasons, so if we want a better Goa for
us and our children let us sow the seeds of metamorphosis today and instead of
lamenting the absence of good governance, let us all try or at least make an
attempt to bolster our resolve to provide ourselves with the change that we are
desperately looking for, a change that only we can bring about, if not, how will
we live with ourselves ?


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes  

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