Carmen Miranda wrote:
Secondly, for your information it is in fact the Goans in Goa who most 
need the information I shared at the Convention, (and twice at the Festival 
on Sunday)   because most Goans in Goa in fact are not aware of the 
of the devastation going on in their backyards. Yes they know there is
mining and it is causing some inconvenience to villagers in the interior and
believe that is prosperity .....Well, if the majority of Goans in Goa were
well informed and aware, they would have by now got rid of the politicians
who are ultimately responsible for allowing the rape of Goa's hinterland as
the consequences of such environmental degradation will seriously affect the
future of many generations to come. That is why I began my talk by
dispelling some myths about the importance of mining to Goa's economy and
employment. Yes the powerpoint had some powerful visual evidence of what I
was talking about , which I believe brought tears to the eyes of many goans
who saw it for the first time and were totally shocked and unaware of extent
of destruction.

This is what Goan Global Conventions should be all about i.e. a platform
to display and discuss current problems and work on issues that effect our 

I am not surprised of your contention that there were attendees at the 
who had little or no knowledge of the ecological devastation caused by mining 
in Goa. There is similar ignorance with Goans here in Toronto too. Even 
people who go to Goa every winter are not aware of the devastation done to the 
environment as very little is reported by the news media in Goa. 

I congratulate you for making people aware of what is going on their backyards. 
My congrats too on your petition drive. I hope it makes it to the internet 
all those who are concerned with the issue can sign it.

Mervyn Lobo
  • ... Carmen Miranda
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
        • ... George Pinto
    • ... Mario Andrew Rodrigues
    • ... Carmen Miranda

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