Saturday - Jul 30, 2011
Friends, Goans and Congressmen (and BJP men as well, because if push
comes to shove, I may have to turn to you)
Permit me to introduce myself. (As if you all still didn’t know). I am
Goa’s premier STATE MAN. In many ways I’m responsible for the sorry
state of affairs in our state of Goa today, but then that’s the price
you pay for many of my sacrifices in political life.

I’ve sacrificed so much to serve you, my beloved people (or idiots
depending on your perspective). I sacrificed my trawlers for you; I
sacrificed my CM kodel in 15 days, in the PDF experiment (actually my
only genuine sacrifice but then who notices); I sacrificed Konkani for
English; I’ve sacrificed my friendship with Luizinho bab and my title
to GOD FATHER; I’ve sacrificed the Save Goa Front at the altar of
greed and avarice; I’ve sacrificed the punch-drunk and ideologically
retarded Congress party in Goa a number of times; I’ve sacrificed the
secret and hush – hush support of Goa’s biggest brains; Dr.Willy’s and
Manohar’s slush backing; I’ve sacrificed my family to serving Goa;
I’ve sacrificed Goa’s bridges and roads to shady, seedy contractors;
The list goes on.

With so much sacrificing they now should crown me the undisputed

And what do I get for all my sacrifices? Betrayal! Dhoka!! A dagger in
my back! Churchill deserves better!

And now it’s time to show a fist to all the squealing pigs. I’m going
to show that Vijay the Sardesai! I’m going to show that upstart
Pratima Coutinho! I’m going to show that Digambar Kamat! I’m going to
show the High Command! I’m going to show that Low Command! I’m going
to show those Youth Congress brats! I’m even going to show that Mickey
Pacheco ( but not too much, since secretly I’m a little scared of him

With me around dear Goans, it’s always SHOWTIME in Goa. The theatre of
the absurd! The vaudeville act of high histrionics and abject

And what I love the most is that all you idiots oops friends keep
buying into the act! Again Again and Again.

So I don’t just resign to my fate. I just resign from this railway
platform called the Congress and like Arnold Schawerzenegger always
claim that “I’LL BE BACK”!

So then the question arises?

What is the secret of my success ? How do I and my family survive all
these monkey antics and keep getting re elected again and again by
thumping majorities.

Money may play a small role but the key reason I and those of my ilk
like Babush and Mickey and the rest succeed is because both the
principal parties in Goa, the bankrupt Congress and the opportunistic
BJP need us desperately to navigate the ruthless corridors of power.
We are simply indispensable knights on the chess board of Goan

The Congress despite an ideological doctrine most palatable to Goans –
one of pluralism, secularism and tolerance is so stuffed up and
dependent on rank mercenaries that the bigger your blackmailing power,
the lower the Congress will bend. So if a party that refuses to stand
by its own core beliefs succumbs to blackmail, almost on a daily
basis, what else do I do but become the biggest black mailer of them

You think that Diggu Baba has remained CM so long because of his
leadership qualities: Balderdash!!. He has remained CM only because he
has so beautifully handled blackmail, elevating it to a fine art. (
that this could cost him his Margao seat is another matter altogether

And about the BJP the less said the better. Its ideology of division
revisionism and hatred is so repulsive and repugnant to Goans that
even polite frogs have stopped croaking. So they keep throwing us the
necessary life lines, every time the going gets tough for them. And
there’s no one quite like Manohar Parrikar who can defend the
indefensible with a straight face and arithmetic accuracy.

Therefore, my loyal Goans, until a party evolves in Goa, which has the
ideology of the Congress, is backed whole heartedly by the moral
oracles (a.k.a. activists ) and has the discipline, commitment and
genuine service qualities of the BJP cadre, we will always be kings
and family No.1.

And since that party is a Disney like fantastical dream which will
never come true, your goose is well and truly cooked.

(this type of an experiment has been forged by Mamta in West Bengal.
The ideology of the Congress, the backing of activists and the sort of
discipline of BJP cadres. And see how Mamta romped home).

For now read my lips! Churchill is Goa and Goa is Churchill and all
you fellows out there better get used to our kind of democracy which
will take the whole of Goa to hell but at least my scarifies won’t
have gone in vain.

Thank you, God bless and Viva Goem.

P.S. Also now forget Galgibaga and Talpona and Sinquetim, I’m off to
build another bridge to connect with Digambar Baba. I have to sink
that Vijay fellow this time at any cost!!!.

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