Hygiene, The Lost Treasure In Goa 


We Goans love Fish, football and feni read a banner, that I still remember
seeing during the inaugural Nerhu Cup in Goa, played for the first time on the
newly constructed Fatorda Stadium. There is no doubt that majority of Goans just
cannot do without our fish, football and feni, now with the price of fish, fast
catching up with the price of gold, a lot of people who cannot afford have been
forced to cheaper options which too are limited if not totally restricted.


During my stay in Margao during my holidays, when my kids use to study it was my
weekly routine to go to the wholesale fish market very early in the morning
between 4:30 to 5:30 AM. There were a number of reasons for this routine that I
use to religiously follow. I was the early bird right from my childhood so had
the choice of worms too, at that time the market use to be less crowded, I just
hate crowded places, the fish at that time is much fresher than later, variety
of choice and good bargains and most of all less mess and stink around. I was
told that with time, the heat and the stink get unbearable and the mess and
water logging around is appalling. I dare not go late.


Once unfortunately I landed in Goa during the rainy season and by George, what I
saw made me sick to the pit of my stomach. I was on my bike the whole market
submerged in ankle deep greasy dark water which was seeping into the fish
baskets, there was cow dung, dog crap and the red smears of the "paan" on
plastic and papers floating, stale fish and garbage scattered everywhere and
moving in every direction, and still people waded through and bought the fish,
it took me just a few seconds to turn my bike around and puke by the side of the
road. Since then I have never ever gone to the wholesale fish market during the
rains. During the normal season it not as bad but still very unpleasant and


Today's article on the Herald about the appalling state of the wholesale fish
market brought back the haunting memories. Fish is a major money spinner and
more so in Goa, fish is also the basic ingredient of our meals, some even have
it for breakfast and it is also fish that can affect most Goans if hygiene is
not maintained in the markets.


During the earlier days we had to do with the pathetic and appalling state of
the fish market in the heart of the city and under the very nose of the Margao
Municipality and now with the shifting of the fish market the sorry tale has not
ended but become worse. When will our Authorities ever learn the dynamics of
hygiene ? 


With the employment fish generates in Goa and the rate it's consumed, why do the
Authorities not upgrade the fish markets and maintain the hygiene levels that
should be maintained ?  Like all else in Goa the most frequently visited sites
and places are in dire states, public toilets, bus terminals, markets,
government offices and even our airport, tells a sorry tale of the inefficiency
and the apathy of our Authorities. 


Our Politicians frequently make jaunts to foreign countries at the cost of the
exchequer, how come they don't see, feel and learn the significance of hygiene
there ?  The attitude of our Authorities and politicians towards hygiene is very
unfortunate and deplorable, the price for which, innocent people may have to pay
with their lives. The world over hygiene is the word attached to every aspect of
their way of life, but sadly, in Goa, it's a lost treasure that perhaps even the
famous treasure hunters Laura Croft, Indian Jones may not be able to stumble on
to or find. It's indeed another sad story of the once beautiful Goa.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes


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