Downgrading USA debt rating from AAA to AA+ This has significance not
only in USA ,But the shock and reverberation are felt throughout the
world,.USA being a powerful country. Hence it can borrow cheaply from
the world and its citizens, as its  economy is safe and stable.There
is a huge difference between expenditure and its income, Which is
funded by borrowing The citizens and Nations ~ perceive it as stable
and dependable as the dollar is a strong currency and invest in the
treasury bonds.The bonds issued by USA are considered to be the safest
in the world and rated as AAA.The debt created by borrowing becomes
difficult to be serviced the interest component and also the principal
amount. Besides it acts as huge burden on the future citizens`s ,
whose resources will go towards payment of interest and principal
,leaving little for the development. Consequently a ceiling on
borrowing leads to reduction of goods and services  The increasing of
taxes and reduction of goods and services are very unpopular measures
that can reflect badly on election fortunes Besides funds are needed
to fund the social security and medical benefits Limiting borrowing
creates a poor image Of USA as a Nation When the Govt. fails to
service the debts rating goes down and that is exactly what happened
at the moment. If the rating goes down further it will spell a melt
down as in 2008  The world and lenders sitting on the stock piles of
bonds will start selling as the dollar looses its value. This can
weaken the dollar and it will be difficult to borrow at low rates If
USA finds difficult to fund the deficit through borrowing ,it will
create liquidity crunch in debt servicing. Hence the tremors of
financial instability of the world safest economy are bound to be felt
with disastrous consequences of to days inter linked economies Hence
USA by raising the debt ceiling  is attempting to tide over its
limitations to the advantage of the world
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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