Even At 64 Are We Truly Free ? 


At 64th India, is an economic power house, even while other economic giants get
waylaid and down graded, India has held it's fort, Indians obviously with their
heads held high are proud of their achievements, Indians have fought good
battles, to be where they are today. Looking at the progress made in science and
technology and the resources that India has supplied to the world around, our
national forefathers, must certainly be happy and content, wherever they are and
why not ? 


It's been 64 years of freedom we may have achieved a lot, but in reality are we
truly free ? It is most definitely the ability to rise from the ashes, the
ability to triumph from weaknesses and failures, it's the ability to move beyond
obstacles, which makes a nation great from the ordinary. Yes, India has risen
from the ashes of terrorism, but have we over come terrorism ?  yes, India has
triumphed despite the ever growing population and the ever growing void between
the rich and the poor, but have we managed to curtail the rate of population
growth and alleviate poverty  ? Yes, Indians have moved beyond, despite the
obstacles of caste, creed, religion and region and most of all corruption, but
have we curbed these divisive and the corrupt forces ?  Can we really say that
we are free ?


If the situation is analyzed today, no doubt it will be found that India is
worthy of it's stature as among the top in the world but at the same time if we
roll back and think, if India's population was controlled, if the rift between
the rich and poor was reduced considerably and the evils of caste, creed,
religion, region and corruption were arrested and nullified, if all Indians had
the privilege of quality education ? Can anyone even imagine where India would
be ? 


It is a pity, that even after all the clamor of economic and technological
development and 64 years of freedom, India is yet to free itself from poverty,
illiteracy, unemployment, corruption and the divisive ideologies. A health
society is the wheel of progress on the National Flag, the wheel that keeps
sinking into the ground, with scams a galore, corruption, black money in the
Alps, rising poverty and unemployment and ofcourse the divisive forces sitting
on the gunpowder keg with a matchstick lit, in their hands. This simmering combo
has already shaken the foundations of India but still it looks like lessons are
not learnt in earnest. No doubt Freedom is still elusive !


Even as India proclaims to be economically and technologically on par with the
best in the world, our selfish and self-centered politicians have drained the
states and the nation, of its natural and progressive resources across the
length and breadth of India. It's not just enough to say "mera Bharat mahan hai"
while thousands die of lack of food, shelter and clothing, Bharat will only be
"mahan" when every person in India will be able to avail quality education, food
in their plates, clothes on their back, a roof over their head and decent jobs
for all.


To be "mahan", India will have to get rid of the corrupt, selfish, nepotistic,
bigot politicians and elect worthy people who will make us Indians feel proud to
be Indians and we should not let the antics of antisocial elements and
politicians, divide Indians and be a Nation of Indians rather than a Nation of


Today on this 64th National Day I hope and pray that all Indians rid themselves
of all prejudices, chauvinism and bigotry, do away with corruption and overcome
the evils caste, creed, religion, region, poverty, illiteracy and inequality and
in unity contribute to the moving wheels of progress of India and show the world
that we are indeed proud to be Indians. Jai Hind ! Happy Independence Day to all


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes



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