Panjim Margao Shuttle buses
The Nationalisation of this bus route  was received with joy and was
expected to put an end to boisterous and arrogant nature of private
operators. The only comfort of this express shuttle service is that
one gets a confirmed seat at a steep cost .The time difference between
a few  express bus service in the morning and the shuttle is
negligible and  cheaper Similarly frequency of non express buses must
be increased to meet the demand at peak hours. The ordinary bus
duration is more by about 15 minutes It appears that purposely and
deliberately demand is artificially created for the shuttle service
and the commuters have no alternative These are the ills of govt
monopoly. Many a times the uncomfortable big buses are pressed into
service to clear the swelling crowds . True, mercifully there is a
special queue facility for senior citizens, pregnant women, physically
handicapped.and pass holders But the general public has to stand over
an hour to secure a ticket, This torture and inconvenience at a high
cost has to be put to an end. In the peak hours in the morning
passengers travelling to the capital city of Panjim have to be
provided with more frequent buses to meet the demand The buses return
from Panjim are held up as the traffic  down at that time is scanty.
If operating empty buses is not economical, then may be, the return
bus trip from Panjim  in the morning be designated as the normal route
bus with a few designated stops. Alternatively more frequent route
buses be put into service limiting the shuttle service only for those
who need it absolutely and can afford the ever increasing price The
frequency of the shuttle service must be increased and the time of
standing has to be reduced to the bare minimum The shuttle service is
cash cow to augment the losses, at the cost of milking the commuters.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim  9850926276

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