-----Original Message-----
From: Santosh Helekar

> Most Goans who live in Goa and all other states of India know
> that they are and always have been Indians.

RESPONSE: Nice safety with the adjective "most".

> It is unfortunate that there are a minority of Goans who do not
> regard themselves as Indians, and who do not know the history of Goa
> and India, beyond stupid sound bites.

RESPONSE: Does this imply that the earlier referred "most" Goans "know the history of Goa and India, beyond stupid sound bites" ??? How does that correlate??

I think Santosh is simplying the issues of ethnicity and nationality. Nationality is more like a commodity these days when one is retained depending on one's circumstances or requirements. However it is evident here that the usual India-baiters are nor resident in India. At other times I've seen grown siblings who cannot agree on their own ethnicity.

> It would be interesting to know what the subjects of
> Ashokavardhana Maurya's Indian empire in 250 B.C.E. called
> themselves.

RESPONSE: Perhaps some considered themselves Greek (descendants of Alexander's cavalry)!!

- B
  • ... Nelson Lopes
    • ... Gabe Menezes
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
    • ... Bernado Colaco
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
    • ... Bosco D
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
    • ... Bernado Colaco
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... MD
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
      • ... Santosh Helekar
        • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

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