Assault on Integrity of Hazare
 The Congress spokesman were terrified by unimaginable success of the
movement  on corruption by Anna. It was at best panic reaction and
hitting below the belt They failed miserably in hiding behind Delhi
Police making it a escape goat The arrest  detention and release  only
added fuel to the fire and people poured in greater numbers in his
support bearing rain ,hunger and preventive detention Nothing deterred
their resolve to stand in support of his fast After having failed in
their attempt of legal.provisions , they sought refuse in blatant
assault on his integrity and character, The faith of the people in his
life example acted as dam of trust.
One said that he will get the same treatment like Baba Ram Dev. The
other was more forthright and mean with his debased outbursts laced
with anger and uncontrolled emotions in his defense. He accused Anna
of being corrupt from head to foot People treated it with contempt it
deserves. The admiration and respect with which Anna is held in high
esteem he could not stomach. Yet another leveled ludicrous charges of
being funded by foreign  powers trying to destabilise the country.Yet
another wanted accounts of donors and another wondering how the
movement reached the crescendo and such heights of participation with
main actors of civil society ensconced behind bars ,where hardened
criminals are housed The parliament speakers led a scathing attack
that civil society cannot make laws on streets and coerce the
Parliament to toe their line It is not surprising that the Congress
party did not disown their slanderous  remarks nor advised them to
maintain decorum and dignity ,restrain in their furious attacks on the
personality and character of the most charismatic and adored leader of
times ever seen  This negative portrayal in fact raised his standing
with the suffering masses The congress and the opposition parties can
learn a lesson or two as to how to draw crowds at their political
ralies without corruption , bribes,transport and other goodies and for
which they are steeped in corruption to gather finance.
The people of India have taken serious note of such no hole bared
attacks on the personality of Anna and have responded without being
provoked and violent means. Their peaceful response and strength was
evident by swelling numbers in every part of India consisting of
people from all walks of life, religion, race ages unprecedented in
the history of India, never witnessed before
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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