Congress wants   to buy time
The Congress response to Anna  is that they need 4 months to bring a
bill that will please every one It is not specified what this wonder
will be It has taken 42 years and 8 lokpal bills referred to select
committees without any results. Did any bill take that much time to be
passed through select committee ?The swiftest bill passed unanimously
by the parliament is their salary and allowance bill If they want they
can extend the time of parliament sitting and work in real earnest to
make up for the delay The deadline by Anna must be seen in this
background by the tactic of buying time. It should not be seen as
putting gun and blackmail. Blackmail is gaining by not disclosing
information or withholding action and Anna cannot be accused of either
The reasons of rigidity with the vilification that civil society is
usurping power of legislators, and character  assassination of the
activist shows the mind and intention of the UPA II People have lost
faith in their integrity and sincere motives to bring a strong Lok Pal
Bill that suitably addresses the issue of corruption as propounded by
the Anna brigade The UPA II is shattered by the popular mood and
participation of crowds all over India and abroad and therefore are
devising evasive strategies with the hope that time will wear out
their resolve There is no commitment on any aspects of the bill that
will at least incorporate  serious inputs by the Jan Lok pal Bill This
issue of Lok Pal Bill has  already been debated in all public forum
and all those matter have given their say Asking again new inputs by
those that matter is only buying time True Lok Pal Bill is not a
panacea for all evils, but it is  a definite first step in the right
direction The opposition parties including the NDA are not taking a
public stand except to state that P.M. should be included Any support
they extend is to ride on the popular wave to cash on in coming
elections presenting them as an alternative  The mass participation
has not to be judged lightly as they have already  blundered badly by
action by the police Anna and the people are determined not to water
down their resolve  The congress is taking on itself as the saviour of
Parliament democracy and crying hoarse about the supremacy of
parliament and ignoring lock stalk and barrel the voice of the people
to whom they represent.
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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