India celebrates people's victory as activist ends fast
By Annie Banerji
NEW DELHI | Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:35am EDT

(Reuters) - Sipping coconut water and honey, a self-styled Gandhian 
anti-corruption reformer ended a 13-day hunger strike on Sunday that had 
sparked India's biggest protests in decades, besieged the government and 
ushered in a new middle class political force.
"It's a proud moment for the country that a mass movement which was carried out 
for 13 days was peaceful and non-violent," Anna Hazare in a crisp white kurta 
smock and cap told thousands of cheering supporters from a stage at an open 
ground in New Delhi that has become the epicenter of a nationwide crusade.

"The people's parliament is bigger that Delhi's parliament."

After initially arresting Hazare and dismissing him as an anarchist, Prime 
Minister Manmohan Singh's government caved in to the demands of the 74-year-old 
veteran activist as parliament backed anti-graft legislation that met many of 
his demands.

Hazare has tapped a groundswell of public anger against endemic corruption, 
uniting the country's bulging middle-class against a hapless political class 
and underlining voter anger at Singh and the ruling Congress party.

"Anna wins it for the people," splashed the front page of India's Sunday Times 
newspaper, as supporters flocked to Hazare's fast site to revel in victory 
after parliament gave its support to many of the activist's demands late on 

Tens of thousands of mostly urban and wired voters across India celebrated the 
achievement of an unprecedented movement that may usher in a new force in 
Indian politics and damage the ruling Congress party in crucial state elections 
next year.

The veteran activist, whose health has seriously deteriorated, said that he 
would break his fast after a special session of parliament saw lawmakers 
backing a resolution by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to push for a law to 
create an independent ombudsman with wide-ranging power to investigate 
lawmakers, the judiciary and bureaucrats.

Undermined by graft scandals and seen as out-of-touch with voters battling high 
inflation, Congress' failure to deal with Hazare's campaign before it flared up 
into a national issue spells danger for the ruling party in state polls next 
year ahead of the 2014 general election.

While protests in India are not uncommon, the sight of many well-off young 
professionals using Twitter and Facebook taking to the streets of Asia's 
third-largest economy suggest an awakening of a previously 
politically-ambivalent middle-class.


Supporters surged to Hazare's protest site in a sea of saffron, white and green 
from nearby metro stations on Sunday, as smiling protesters with the national 
flag painted on their faces chanted "long live Anna" and "victory to mother 

"It is a historic day," said Aamir Pratap, 37, who brought his wife and three 
sons to the site in central New Delhi.

"Anna and the whole country succeeded in uniting the parliament yesterday for 
such a crucial bill."

Mukherjee announced parliament's support for Hazare's demands after over nine 
hours of fervent debate in both chambers of parliament that highlighted just 
how much the activist's campaign had rocked India's political establishment.

Hazare's trademark white cap has been sported by thousands of protesters across 
the country, and the slogan "I am Anna" has become a rallying cry for a 
generation of young people disillusioned by their graft-stained politicians.

"It is a victory for Anna but as he was fighting for the people, this is a 
victory for the people," Santosh Hegde, former solicitor general and Hazare 
aide told CNN-IBN.

The activist, who lost over 7.5 kgs (16.5 lbs) during his almost fortnight-long 
hunger strike, will go straight to a hospital outside India's capital after 
breaking his fast.

Hazare is not some out-of-the-blue phenomenon, however.

Deep-seated change has been underway for years in India as its once-statist 
economy globalizes, bolstered by a widely used freedom of information act, 
aggressive private media and the election of state politicians who have 
rejected traditional caste-support bases to win on governance issues.

After a botched arrest as part of a hardline approach to Hazare, a government 
U-turn saw ministers praise the activist, suggesting a leadership deficit in 
Congress without party head Sonia Gandhi, who is recovering after surgery for 
an undisclosed condition.

Congress pledged a slew of economic reforms after winning re-election in 2009 
that would have made foreign investment easier and tax collection more 
effective. But graft and anger over inflation has stymied attempts to debate 
the legislation.

Transparency International rates India in 87th place on the most corrupt 
countries, according to a 2010 survey.

Several scandals linked to the government, including a bribery scam involving 
the granting of telecom licenses that led to the arrest of a telecoms minister 
and may have cost the state up to $39 billion in lost revenues, led to Hazare's 
latest protest.

Congress has staked a large amount of political capital on victory in next 
year's state election in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, where a 
disappointing result would ring serious alarm bells for the federal ballot in 

Hazare became the unlikely thorn in the side of the government when he went on 
hunger strike in April. He called off that fast after the government promised 
to introduce a bill creating an anti-corruption ombudsman.

The so-called Lokpal legislation was presented in early August, but activists 
slammed the draft version as toothless because the prime minister and judges 
were exempt from probes.


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