Another example of pigs at the trough!
This shameless behavior of corrupt NRI bagmen is aided and abetted by the
Goanese abroad endorsing these junkets, but funded by the good people of Goa
who have no say in the matter.
In the name of Goan unity. Ha!
Surely tax revenue generated in Goa should stay in Goa for the much needed
Not help subsidize conventions such as the July junket and other ridiculous
NRI programs [Know Goa Programme (KGP) and Goa Scholarship Program for
Diaspora Children] which give affluent Goans a free pass. Where is the
Those promoting these freebies in the name of global goan unity are in
reality furthering their own agendas.
I. Nunes


When Gabe asked a simple question about this on this forum, he got a rather
terse reply from our whiter than white Selma Cardoso. We knew then that
there was something fishy going on.
I agree with Mr Nunes entirely. Goa has such poor infrastructure and this
money should be spent on imp[roving the lot of goans in goa.
I attended this convention for twenty minutes as a friend had invited me to
listen to her talk. Three of us attended and paid £ 36 as entrance fee. I
have no complaint about it. The talk was about mining in goa. It was well
presented and thought provoking, yet these organisers who claim that they
discuss issues of interest to Goa did not have time for question and answer
session at the end of the talk. why? they allowed a sponsor to speak about
smuggling of Sarees from Daman where he was posted as punishment by
Shashikala Kakodkar and how Indira Gandhi brought in MISA and stopped all
smuggling in India overnight.

When a friend of mine questioned Eduardo Faleiro , the replies he got were
very revealing. The first question was why this should be called Goan
convention while the overwhelming majority (I reckon upwards of 98% but I am
open to correction) of attendees were catholics. The answer was that he will
be attending similar convention organised by Hindus in the US. So that makes
it alright then!

I hope the organisers will show some grace and refund the sum of £ 8500 that
they got as donation. Goa's overdraft has gone up from about Rs1800 crores
in 2005 when Kangress came to power to over Rs 5000 crores. It is shameful
that educated people settled in London cannot see the clear wrong in taking
such handouts.

Anil Desai

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