CIvil societies activities targeted
After  the attack on Baba Ram Dev, the Govt was shown in bad light The
court has taken up the issue of what went wrong and is examining
details There was no justification on brutal assault by the police at
that  unearthly hour on innocent elders and peaceful participants now
the enforcement directorate has slapped charges after the personal
meeting with the Director The link and timing is a case of harassment
Prashant Bushan is once again targeted with the CD case when it was
closed for reasons proper.Raking up the issue at this juncture is to
puncture his resolve and involvement in the movement and the govt,
message is clear , beware the big brother is looking,
Kiran Bedi an upright officer is in for a surprise for a most casual
remark of politicians wearing masks and speaking in forked tongues
differently when outside the Parliament Is this a fit case to  to be
codified under breach of privileges Is it not a message indirect that
the supremacy of the parliament can be invoked at the drop of hat and
at sweet will of the legislators.?
Mr Arvind Kejrival is in for another surprise. The study leave taken
for two years as per rules   is now held inadmissible  to count
resignation period of3 years in service He has resigned after 3 and
half years The notice is served after the period of limitations of 3
yrs The two yearsarediscounted and back wages are demanded with penal
interest This is considered as a big offence of corruption at this
point of time , when is in the forefront of Anna`s movement of
corruption His press conference is projected as gaining sympathy and
bring pressure. He has committed impropriety in communicating his
views publicly when, he could have aured departmentally or taken
recourse to law Nothing will convince the people that the Govt is
purposely and deliberately on the witch hunt to demoralise and subdue
the activists of the movement,People cannot be expected to be silent
expectators at the govt move to selectively target the activists
Misuse and abuse of  power and law is exactly what the people are fed
up of
The Govt is commiting another error by targeting the activists in a
planned manner, which will have serious and mass implications
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 09850926276

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