We have a cache of fond memories of you as well, dear Eric, years spent 
together building up the Goan Association of New York, that we were involved in 
founding, and also years spent in building up Xavierites in North America, 
which we also helped to found. The soft strains of Chopin melodies that will 
now occasionally fill my house will come no longer from Lea's hands, but from 
our daughter Eva's.
Much love,

From: eric pinto <ericpin...@yahoo.com>
To: GOA2 <goa...@goanet.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 9:03 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Lea Rangel Ribeiro.

  We extend our sympathies to Victor.  Lea was indeed a gentle person.
I have witnessed the slow demise of the small community of portuguese 
speaking Goans of Bombay over the decades, an asset as I saw it. They came 
largely from a small base in Goa: Assagao and Porvorim, Saligaoand 
Porvorim, Benaulim, Carona and Curtorim come to mind. The large families of the 
old gentry were willing to spare a few sons to the 'inglese' world that was 
gently disdained.
  They flourished out of nice homes in the old haunts I cherish and miss, from 
far away.  It has been a slow farewell to Mount and Nesbit, Club Back and 
Claire, Apollo and Napier, Laburnum and Wodehouse, where you could count on 
picking up the  soft strain of a Chopin melody on a sunday morning. 
   Farewell to Lea, also, and thanks for the memories.                  eric.

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