Dear Vivian,

Agree with you one hundred percent about there being no one clean and immaculate. Everyone carries his/her own baggage which according to them is very clean indeed. Is there anyone claiming to be carrying dirty baggage? I have said it before and I say it again. There are no SAINTS on earth that you can go down on your bended knees to worship them. They are all in HEAVEN (that too could be doubtful :-). Having said that, there is a little mis-interpretation in the press release of the GRA. It is supposed to be like this:


We have said this before that if the SYSTEM IS STRICT, DISCIPLINED AND UNBENDABLE, even the dirtiest crooks who venture in can try their luck to manipulate it and use it for their dirty purpose. But they will either leave from the back door being frustrated OR JOIN THE SYSTEM to take it forward. The chances for the latter are minus zero.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Vivian A. DSouza" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 7:47 PM
Subject: [Goanet] GRA to back clean candidates for Goa Poll

Good for them. I now hear that GZA, GSA, GDA, GQA, GTA etc. etc. are also going to back clean candidades for the Poll. Clean ? What do you mean by clean ? When you say Clean, you mean that there are also Dirty Candidates ? And what is the definition of Clean ?? I dont believe that there is anyone in Goa who can clain to be clean, that is someone who has not engaged in corruption in some form or another, such as giving a bribe to get his/her work done or solicited a bribe, or paid for something at a store without'getting a receipt etc. etc. If there is such a person in Goa, please let me know so that I can get down on my knees and worship you. Bribery and corruption have become so ingrained in the Goan psyche,( post invasion or ;liberation (whatever you choose to believe), that I dont believe that anyone including yours truly can claim to be really clean, despite trying to live up to standards of honesty/ So anyone out there is "Mr. Clean" please let us all know sot hat we can get down on bended knee and worship you rather than worship some statue in total violation of Tenth Commandment dictates that we will not worship graven images. Clean candidats indeed ! Liars !!!!!

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