Multi-lingual Roman Catholic priest Fransecu bids goodbye to Qatar

Doha Qatar: “The apostles, along with other followers of Jesus, meet
and elect Matthias to replace Judas as a member of The Twelve. On
Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descends on them. The apostles hear a great
wind and witness "tongues of flames" descending on them, paralleling
Luke 3:16-17. Thereafter, the apostles have the miraculous power to
"speak in tongues" and when they address a crowd, each member of the
crowd hears their speech in his own native language.”
 Peter and the apostles continue to preach, and Christianity continues
to grow. The apostles set out in different regions to propagate the
word of the Lord.

Turn to the present day era, you find many people having gained a
mastery over a host of languages. It easier said than done.

Only a few are gifted, one of them happens to be native Arabic
speaking Roman Catholic Priest Fransecu. The Beirut-born priest, who
served the catholic community in Qatar for the last three years, has
since bid farewell to the Christianity community of Qatar.
Qatar is the world richest country in the world. The gas-rich country
is home to a hundreds and thousands of expatriate workers who savoring
the fruits of the economic boom witnessed in the tiny nation.

Fransecu, besides Arabic and English was equally at ease speaking
different languages like Italian, French and Spanish. He also spoke
A multi-talented personality as described by the parish priest of Our
Lady of Rosary church Qatar Fr Peter, the ever-smiling priest, has
completed specialized studies Church architecture in Rome, and he is
also a gifted musician as he knows to read and write music.

Qatar loss will surely be Beirut’s gain. Fransecu will be the vicar at
the Cathedral in Beirut.

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