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National Parties Have Lost The Right To Govern Goa

By now most of us must be familiar with situation in which the Gujarat cop 
Sanjiv Bhatt is, all because of the stand he took against the fascist regime of 
Narender Modi. In the quagmire of Indian politics, fry the guy who dares to 
speak against the regime is still a way of life. And I was thinking we had 
bypassed the barbaric era and living in the 21st century of democracy, oh, how 
wrong was I ?

Narender Modi the butcher of Gujarat is a tyrant indeed and cop Sanjiv Bhatt 
has realized it the hard way but what could he do ? Truth cannot be kept silent 
forever, sooner than later truth evolves and ascertains itself. We all know why 
Sanjiv Bhatt is being terrorized by the power that be in Gujarat ? But as 
always, we do nothing. Cop Sanjiv Bhatt has received threats on his life, his 
wife too fears for his safety but will anyone dare to stand against the butcher 
of Gujarat ?

If Gujarat is being ruled by tyranny, Goa is not far behind, today's paper 
carries a headline on the inside page "Viswajeet threatened to kill me". It 
merely substantiates the arrogance of our Goan politicians, to stay in power 
they will do anything and everything, as they have the resources at their 
disposal, some even in uniform, ever ready to carry out their master's commands.

A few weeks back there was blood bath on the streets of Panjim, alleged to be a 
gang war between two politically backed rivals, few years back, the now 
education minister had attacked the head quarters of the Goa police at Panjim 
in broad daylight, in Margao too we have seen our CM cozying with the 
antisocial elements of Monti Dongor, our opposition leader Manohar Parrikar too 
has displayed ample sympathy for the migrant goons of Chimbel, the brothers of 
south Goa too let loose their goons on anti maga-projects and anti-mining 
activists, so do we really need to be rocket scientists to assume why our 
politicians like to have packs of dogs with them ?

Even though we have dime a dozens, it takes just one crass politician to 
desecrate the divinity of the once sacred profession of politics, where 
politics was a mere extension of social service, which unfortunately our 
politicians have turned into a resounding personal business profession today 
and has become the unalloyed epitome of evil and all that we do is watch in 
sepulchral silence of a cemetery. They even visit different Holy places, for 
Poojas, masses, novenas and even Haj, but still spirituality and morally 
ennobling ideas somehow continue to elude them.

It is now for the people to assert their collective will on those elected to 
serve us but have betrayed our trust and are guilty of both collective 
incompetence as well as collective complicity in the sins of commission and 
omission. Their congenital and colloquial affinity for corruption has 
epitomized the evil in Goan politics. As fish rots from the head downwards, so 
to the present governance in Goa and the illegal mining scam has amply proved 
it, so our message to them at the next election must be unequivocal: Both 
National Parties have lost the right to govern Goa. Vasectomy can never be the 
solution for serial rapists, only castration can be the answer.
Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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