                        **** Goanet Classifieds ****

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

    and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

     Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Savio Martires is one of the few young musicians in Goa who got into jazz from 
the word go. He began playing the guitar at the age of ten and took to jazz 
soon after that. Since he wasn't encouraged to pursue a career in music he 
studied engineering while honing his improvisational skills on the guitar as a 
hobby. He experienced life as a musician as well as an engineer and finally 
gave in to a strong calling he always felt even as a child. Savio joined the 
seminary in Saligao this year and is preparing to be a priest. A jazzy priest 
for sure, since he still plays guitar and piano and has even composed an 
amazing jazz tune that has been produced by Jazz Goa. The easy listening smooth 
jazz tune is called 'Smooth Stuff' and features Savio on guitar with Xavier 
Peres on piano and Colin D'Cruz on fretless bas and production. Listen to 
Smooth Stuff online at www.jazzgoa.com


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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