                        **** Goanet Classifieds ****

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

    and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

     Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Appeal From The Elected Representatives

While going through today's news paper an appeal caught my eye, a so called 
appeal from the elected representatives of the village panchayat of Navelim to 
the Chief Minister of Goa. I presume that this is the Bardez, Navelim and not 
the Salcette one. It's an impressive appeal, five of them pleading with joined 
hands, while the hands of the other three are out of sight most probably 
holding on to the booty given by the mine owners for their treachery.

They called themselves elected representatives of the Village Panchayat, in 
more ways than one similar to the elected representatives of the Goa 
Legislative Assembly and most probably backed by the higher ruling elite 
authority and in all matters no better than them. They both seem to suffer from 
amnesia of convenience, they both promise to be faithful to their voters but 
once elected they seem to conveniently forget their promises and become slaves 
of their masters for the colour of greenbacks.

Today most of our elected representatives are well and truly infected by an 
incurable syndrome, even worse than AIDS, once transmitted, so far there is no 
cure and the medium of transmission in this case is money. Once their money is 
passed from hand to hand, you have it and once you have it, you are stuck with 
it for life, in its wake no doubt you become rich but then, you slowly but 
surely strip yourself of all your self-respect, sense of decorum, ethics, 
conscience, integrity, dignity, uprightness and does not leave around even a 
modicum pity and sympathy for yourself.

In this appeal too, it is very evident that the so called elected 
representatives of the Village Panchayat have sold their souls to the devil and 
are trying to woo and influence the very residents who are bogged down and 
buried under the atrocities of mining and miners, they are selling the very 
people that elected them and it surely shows their apathy and their lack of 
responsibility towards their own.

May I ask, why are they only interested in the welfare of all the mines 
employed people and least interested in the welfare of all the mines affected 
people ?  Why are they only interested in the economic viability of mines and 
least interested in the devastation of our environment and our ecology caused 
by incessant mining ? Why are they only aware that mining unemployment could 
cause starvation and least interested in the damage that mining has caused to 
our rich fertile fields and to the water bodies that could lead to even a worst 
situation than starvation ? Why do they want zero buffer zones around wild life 
sanctuaries when protecting these sanctuaries should have been the need of the 
hour ? I am sure that more than fifty percent, if not all of these elected 
members, have no idea or even a clue of what the order of 27th September by the 
Mines Department is all about and that says it all.

The answer is very clear, they are certainly not interested in either the 
socioeconomic viability or welfare of the mines employed people nor the safety 
of the mines affected people, but are only interested in the economic viability 
of their own pathetic selves. This is just a ploy to appease their mining and 
senior political masters at their behest. Nothing more, nothing less ! Goans 
please beware of such pawns that our miners and politicians use against their 
own and then go on to call themselves elected representatives. Shame on you 
elected representatives of the village panchayat of Navelim, Bardez.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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