                       **** Goanet Classifieds ****

  Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

   and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

  Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

    Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Dear Goanetter,

It was heartening to read that Dr.Hubert Gomes has decided to contest in
Benaulim for a head on fight with the South Goa strong man Mr.Churchill
Alemao.  I wish him well.

We, Niz Goemkars, need to take our common enemy head-on if we can see and realize that most of Goa has already been destroyed by illegal mining, concrete jungles where Goans cannot afford to stay, casinos, shacks, drugs, prostitution, mafias, to name a few. Our river waters are so much polluted that we have been advised not to even swim in it by the NIO. Our greens have been destroyed by the land sharks and kick backs taken by our greedy politicians and even our comunidade managements, panchas and goons.

Corruption is deep rooted and has spread like cancer. Anyone who cries for justice is tossed aside as if he does not exist. It is no longer a matter of silent moaning but loud wailing.

Let us, then, like minded Goans, who want to realize our long lost dreams of a beautiful, organized Goa, be a witness to the much needed SECOND OPINION POLL, this time to boldly voice our choice if we want to be ruled by National Parties or not, if we want the national parties to destroy us or not. Time has come for us to think REGIONAL.

Let us iron out our petty differences and work for the common benefit of
Goa & Goans, where sincerity, discipline and moral values form the core of our principles. Let us keep Goa’s mining revenue in Goa instead of ducting it to Delhi; reserve our job market in Goa for Goans first , on merit basis, and if merit is not available then to look elsewhere. That way no Goan who merits a job in Goa is bypassed. Let us kill corruption before it kills us and chalk out our policies with diligence and foresight. Let us stop land sale to non-goans to protect goan land and work out a Regional Plan that will protect our green lands, eco-sensitive regions, our forest cover by bringing in a total halt to constructions planned in these zones.

Let us introduce TDR system [Transfer Development Rights] for land use
where coastal belts and ‘no development’ zones are protected and preserved at the same time where owners do not feel the pinch. Let us strive to build an exemplary Goa and it’s society based on unity and justice that we can be proud of in our lifetime as we pass our legacy on to our future generations.

Kindly forward any comments suggestions to silveira...@gmail.com


Alex Pascoal Silveira

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