Save Every Village In Goa

The isle of Vaxim, one could say God own abode, I was on that island just once 
and it was an amazing feeling, green all round, small houses narrow winding 
roads, high lands and low plains, vast paddy fields, coconut plantations, 
mangoes, jackfruits all over the isle and most of all water water every where. 
Isle of Vaxim is also blessed with mangroves that attracted a lot of birds, as 
it makes an ideal nesting place, a natural habitat. It is also rich in flower, 
fauna and water life, crabs and fishes a plenty.

That was a long time ago and I would have visited that island paradise more 
often during my younger days but for the three course road transport (bus) and 
a ferry crossing. The journey from my place to the isle had taken me around 
four hours of start-stop-break journey but even though the journey was 
agonizing, once there, it was soothing. It is one of the most beautiful places 
in Goa and the people there were very accommodating and helpful. Even though my 
own village is a paradise on earth I envied them.

Today the beauty of the isle of Vaxim has become the cause of a lot of 
heartburns and anguish for it's residents, as land mercenaries in the form of 
builders are all set to gore and desecrate this beautiful virgin island, with 
the help of our very own ever greedy, corrupt politicians and Authorities. Last 
few weeks the isle of Vaxim has been in the news on a daily basis, as the 
faithful residents have set out in unity to stop the rape of their land. A 
people committed to the cause of their land for the sake of their own future 
and the future of the generations to come. I salute these brave hearts for 
their sense of loyalty and determination to save their land from being devoured 
by selfish, heartless and conceited commercialists.

The residents of the isle of Vaxim have shown Goans why unity is important and 
what it can do, just like the residents of Nuem, Khola, a tiny village on Goa's 
west coast who fought together in unity and saved their land from miners and a 
five star consortium, residents of Caverm too in unity closed down an illegal 
mine, if these three tiny villages showed willingness and commitment to save 
their respective villages from land mercenaries who are helped by our very own 
traitors, the corrupt and greedy authorities, why cannot the rest of Goa ?

No doubt all over Goa people have been fighting against land atrocities but 
still it's just a few people here and a few people there, even though the whole 
of Goa is affected by these atrocities. We Goans have always been termed 
"susegad" because of our way of life and our inability to react to an atrocity 
in any form till it comes knocking at our own doors but by then it becomes too 
late for any effective and concrete action and we are forced to accept our fate 
in a "susegad" manner.

The RP 2021 that our Authorities are trying to force down our gullet has been a 
clear indication that they will stop at nothing in their quest to destroy Goa 
and Goans and be assured that benevolence is not a virtue that our Authorities 
are known to be embedded with or possess. They only succumb to mass movements, 
that threatens their chairs and not good will or dialogue and we have history 
to prove that.

Goans if we do not wake up now and join the fight we will be run over and out 
of our own lands and then we will have nothing to fight for or call our own. 
Let today be the day that we take a firm decision for our own welfare and that 
of our generations to come. Today it is Vaxim tomorrow it could be our very own 
backyard, Goans unite and fight to protect our land from the land mafia and 
their cohorts. Save not just Vaxim but every village in Goa. Jai Goa !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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