Doha Goans Sports Club celebrate Festive Nite in Qatar
Doha: Doha Goans Sports Club celebrated their Patron day celebration
with great pomp and gaiety at the Mercure Grand Hotel Doha on 8th
December, an auspicious day. The high light of the evening was the
Christmas tree for the children. Santa kept the children happy,
dancing and singing along with him and later distributed gifts and
goodies. A dancing competition was held for the children and little
Celine Maria  was declared as the best dancer among the 30 children of
different ages present on the floor.

The evening was well attended by members, their families along with
their numerous guests. It was an exciting evening for both young and
old, with lot of surprises. Many other gifts were also given away to
the lucky ones in the hall. DJ Domnic kept the audience wedged to the
dancing floor with his especially selected music, much to the delight
of all present in the hall, specially the youth.

“It is quite difficult to organize any function without the timely
help of the Sponsors “ the press release declared.
Doha Goans Sports Club appreciated the valuable help and assistance
they obtain from the generous sponsors and seized the opportunity to
thank all the sponsors in a very special way for their full support
and generous contribution for making the nite a grand success.

The 5-hours program was handled by the club secretary, Aarti Fernandes.
Following are the generous sponsors: Grand Mercure Hotel, LG (Video
Home), Nandos, Winnie Gonsalves (Refrigeration World), Caitan
Fernandes, Akshaya Jewelers, Lubino Soares, Velencia Soares Learners
Academy, Aarti Fernandes,  Diago Rodrigues, Maria Gonsalves


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