Sr. Colaco,

9.00 p.m. gmt translates to 2.30 a.m. IST. Do you think any Goenkar (rest
assured that I am one - joneiro de Moira, etc, and not a Ghanti who haunts
your dreams) in his right senses is going to watch a crummy programme on a
fait accompli with no chance of reversal?

The chances of what happened on 19th December, 1961 and the few days
preceding being reversed are the chances of a celluloid candle lasting in
hell for more than a second.

Satya Meva Jayate.

Viva Goa.

>>>>>>The documentary on aggression and brutal invasion of Estado da India
Portuguesa will be shown on portuguese TV, Channel RTP2 onSaturday evening,
17th December at 9 p. m. (GMT).
You will be able to follow it LIVE here:


**"Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com >**


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