Dear John,

A well written message and i agree with you in every way .

I have my own reservations and opinions about Anna Hazare ,he just  does not 
come out clear even if you hear his speeches he is very contradictory about his 
statements not very consistent in his vision in fighting corruption ,if i meet 
him someday my only message to him ...stick to the main goal not get 
muddled with Politics play it safe as they say ..he compliments Rahul Gandhi 
for his support then he blames him and his blame game continous.

We were taught in school that  Parliament is the epitome of our proud democracy 
but looking at the current scenario it appears and makes one feel that Anna has 
become much more supreme than the Parliament or atleast he potrays to be or 
that is the message he wants to deliver to the masses.

Anna knows very well that having lok pal bill introduced and passed corruption 
is not going to die it will go on , today we so many laws in place and yet 
crime rate is pretty high and examples are many .

In short Anna has done a commendable job but i just hope and pray that he has 
not got himself muddled with some negative vested interests political parties 
who only want to grab power in the next coming elections, but grabbing power 
should not only be the mission but finding lasting solutions for the benefit of 
the electorate who elect the representatives should be the end goal.



On Thu, 15/12/11, John Gomes <> wrote:

> From: John Gomes <>
> Subject: [Goanet] credibility of parliament
> To: "Goanet Org" <>
> Date: Thursday, 15 December, 2011, 3:05 PM
> The monsoon session was a washout,
> ruling party wanting JPC and Opposition PAC.Finally the PAC
> also became a washout when their report was blocked! Thanks
> to pressure from Anna Hazare, a strong Lokpal Bill,
> blocked for 42 years is slated to be passed in the winter
> session with "Sense of House" promises. Cash for votes
> scams and hooligan behaviour, shouting in the well of the
> House etc seems to be the norm.So many Bills and important
> matters to discuss and there is constant logjam about some
> matter or other!The Standing Committee has finalised a
> Lokpal Bill. At close, 16 of 30 members have
> reportedly submitted disenting notes,2 never attended. So
> this report is finally approved by  only 12 members (seven
> from the Congress!) .
> However, Arun Jaitely says that this report violates the
> 'Sense of House" and is legally complex. Anna
> is obviously indignant.People find that Parliament is one
> when it approves their own salaries and perks and
> condemning the slap on Sharad Powar,but are not
> one discussing price rise or corruption or so called Sense
> of the House! The people in fact are targets of
> corruption,price rise and sham democratic
> governance. Politicians shout that Parliament is Supreme
> and violence has no place in Democracy! What example have
> they set? Person who waves a black flag at Rahul Gandhi is
> beaten up and  the Empire strikes back against anyone who
> dare criticise or complain or exercise their democratic
> rights.
> All party meeting has been unable to clear deadlocks,
> specially the all important independence of the CBI. They
> are looking for ways to delay the Bill and not "rush it
> through".At the same time the session is further delayed on
> extraneous matters like home minister Chidambaram alleged
> indescretions!What are the priorities in this country and
> that of Parliament?The writing is on the wall, with illegal
> mining,black money and other scams being investigated and
> exposed. 
> In Goa there are daily screaming headlines of rejection of
> RP 2021 by the people. It is a shame that competent
> authorities like Edgar Rebeiro have had to resign from the
> Task Force,and idiotic statements that people are like
> school children made, justifying politicians doing with
> impunity whatever they want. World renown architect Charles
> Correa wants to sell his house and run away from Goa due
> noise pollution. Parliament , the Centre and Goa
> government need to act as honest and dignified
> representatives of the people before people believe that
> agitation,gherao and the like leading to violence, or Anna
> Hazare's type pressure are required get any positive
> action! 
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