[1]  20 December 2011  Sandeep Heble posted

How could Dr Arya expect to survive in Goa by having a rare orthopedic
disorder? He had a straight spine, when he was required to be

[2]  20 December 2011  Aires Rodriguez wrote (the language is clumsy
but the point can be discerned):

Having witnessed DGP Arya himself succumb to the political pulls and
pressures, I had first hand experience interacting with the DGP for no
personal favours but over three issues in public interest.

On the case relating to the cheating of the State exchequer by two
Advocates the DGP had assured me of immediate action. However the
instructions he gave to his subordinates were to the contrary.

[3]  22 July 2011  from Nisser Dias

It is for the first time that a top cop has stood up to the Home
minister and stalled the orders. For this act of the DGP he should be
awarded a bravery medal by the people of the state for curbing
political interference in the functioning of the police department.

ps: I am not sure if Sandeep Heble had read this and if he has any
comments about the veracity of the following also from Nisser Dias:

[4]  22 July 2011  from Nisser Dias

Politicians also play a dubious role during the recruitment process.
Lakhs of rupees are collected from candidates to get them enrolled in
the police force. But the height was during Manohar Parrikar’s regime
as chief minister and also Home minister. It is alleged that he
recruited the maximum percentage of police personnel from the majority

Of course he had planned his escape route very well, when media
questioned him, his reply was that minority community candidates did
not apply.

However his act was exposed when High Court observed that the
selection of PSIs during his tenure as illegal and presently the case
is before the Supreme court.

COMMENT: Res Ipso Loquitur



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