Dear Manohar-bab,

Floriano is a 'doubting Thomas' and always skeptical regarding your
ambitions, claims and promises. He is also skeptical of the viewpoints
and claims of every political party, organisation and individual other
than himself and his little group.

But of course if anyone so much as questions any of Floriano's claims
and beliefs he gets into a tizzy.

Floriano's intentions are the best but his over-ambitious attitude and
bull headedness in the face of even the slightest criticism has led to
his being routed in every election he has contested. His attitude has
even often resulted in his (party's/group's) candidates personal
goodwill being eroded in their own constituency.

For example Julius Pereira has a lot of friends in Aldona who might
have voted for him, but the fact of him being 'supported' by Floriano
will work against Julius rather than for him.

Incidentally (doubting) St. Thomas is the patron saint of Aldona.



On 19 January 2012 10:41, floriano <> wrote:
> Dear Manohar-bab,
> I sincerely feel that you should not make statements which you will fry and
> eat later. One never knows what one will do and not do at a later date. Very
> few persons can. Your record has shown otherwise.
> Are you telling us that apart from MGP and Vikas Party which Mickky has now
> resurrected from the tombs there is no other regional party?
> Next, you will be asking God to give you a second DEATH. Is it possible??
> Cheers
> floriano
> goasuraj
> 9890470896
> PS: The above link shows something like a dagger  parked on the wall behind
> you Manohar-bab. Is this one kept handy for someone like Mickky just like
> you had one handy for  Sardinha??

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