To Goanet -

Imagine my (non-)surprise when I found out that a prominent Goan journo had
filched my photograph of Anthony Gonsalves without permission and without
assigning credit -  (I made a screenshot of it, just in case.)

That image is filched from here -

I wrote to the guy pointing this out.  Haven't heard from him, but I see now
that he has changed the picture.  I guess admitting your error is not part
of the Indian journo education.

Now I find that major news organizations in India have filched my photos.
(What the morons don't realize is that I have a digital tracker encrypted in
the photographs.)  India being what it is, a land where the rule of law barely
exists, legal recourse is not an option.

Hindustan Times wrote to me asking for a photograph, but balked when I
named my licensing fee.  How nice of them to want to ride shotgun free on 
someone else's sweat and dime.

Only has had the good sense to be professional in their



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