Looking  at  your  message  conveying Selma`s  thoughts from  the  bottom
up..........unfortunately the petition to support  " Goa`s  first tiger
Reserve"  caught  my eye. If  one  recounts the incidents in   recent years
of leopards  wandering  away from the  forests into villages and  attacking
villagers, we might  be  happy to protect the   wild  animals ( the  tourism
ministry will be glad to  entice foreigners and  out -of -state locals to
view them) ........but  are the locals going to be supportive of this step ?
    Being  part of a larger unit gives one  access to more
resources...........  with the  attendant problem of  sharing in the
population pressures ( the  hordes of  out-of  state  job seekers coming to
Goa ).  Possibly   prior to December 1961, the  then  Foreign Minister
Krishna Menon  must  have intimated to the UN body that there  were
seperatists  advocating a free  " Monaco -like " state before the  Indian
Union took it  over.
 Sometimes  i  think  old Chairman  Mao`s  adage  that  "  all  power
grows  out  of the  barrel of  a  gun "  worked  for India.
----- Original Message ----- From: "eric pinto" <>
To: "Carvalho" <>; "Goa's premiere mailing list,
estb. 1994!" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:36 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Why can't India be like Britain?

Selma joins the Woices in the Vilderness !! eric.

With Scotland preparing for a referendum which will decide if it will
separate from the UK and form an independent nation, I have to ask myself,
as an Indian citizen, why can't India behave in such a civilized manner? Why
must Kashmiris and the North East suffer decades of bloodshed and violence?
Why can't we understand that these regions have expressed a desire to be
independent of India and that we must concede to their collective
aspirations. Why can't Goa be given Special Status? Why must our idea of a
nation be based on medieval thought process that equate it with territorial
occupation and nationalist jingoism. Why can't we be pave the way, be the
torchbearers of how humanity must move forward? Whatever happened to India,
who once produced statesmen of the calibre of Nehru?


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Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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                      Protect Goa's natural beauty

                   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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                      Protect Goa's natural beauty

                   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

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