Venantius J Pinto wrote:
> There is something very honorable about the French -- the ability 
> of the wife, the mistress to stand and share those last few moments in 
> the public eye. And protocol is still maintained. Or lest just call it 
> dignity. 
> The reference is to the singular Mitterand. One has heard of a few such 
> cases. More power to them. Being egalitarian one would think. That's the 
> least one should expect although I can understand that such "behaviour" 
> may appear amusing.

venantius j pinto,
In my quest to be brief, I guess I did not make myself clear.

As mentioned before, I grew up in Tanzania and it is quite common 
for the rich man to have several wives. I have no problems with this 
concept. The point I was trying to make, is that it is perfectly legal for 
the Catholic President of Tanzania to have two wives. It is also perfectly 
illegal for the Catholic President of France to have the same. Hopefully, 
by 2061, the Presidents of both countries will have the same marriage

As far as children are concerned, I will bring to your attention that a 
Catholic in the USA can lose his job or be forced to resign if he has 
children. Personally, I feel that a child, every child, is a blessing. 
My 2012 new years present was the news of the Bishop of Los Angeles. 
Again, hopefully, by the year 2061, Catholic priests (and bishops) 
will have the same rights as other Catholics and will not be forced to 
resign when they father children.    

> Last month at a small New Years party, I was told of a funeral attended 
> by two other women besides the wife and children. He had been 
> bludgeoned to death; the face smashed in with a shovel by one 
> brother-in-law. Then a family showed up and I was told that the topic 
> was closed. The mans wife had been invited to the party so that she 
> and her children would share in the company. It was only a couple of 
> days since the funeral.

I guess you forget to mention the country the above Catholics were in.

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