On 27 January 2012 15:38, Carvalho <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am all for the preservation of Goan land and
> heritage. But all the stakeholders must be
> consulted before any decision is taken.

Are migrants who have settled in Goa -- specially the disempowered --
not "stakeholders" too? If you reply in the negative, be prepared to
one day be swept aside by the same  waves of exclusivism and
intolerance gaining currency in Goa now.

So far, Goan chauvinism has been effectively used against the Goan
him/herself. For instance, while it appears that the "domicile" clause
protects "local" interests (whatever that means), it is actually being
used against, say, children of migrants to the Gulf who may not have
the 15 years residence here needed to claim a medical or engineering
seat. The exceptions made for  some expats' kids exist in theory but
are hardly sufficient (high fees, few seats on this quota).

I fail to understand why we don't recognise Goa as a two-way
migration-oriented society, where both (outwards and inward migration)
are related. I fail to understand how we can portray outmigrants as
heroes and in-migrants as villians, where both are part of similar
economic and other processes...

Above all, both those quite happy to disenfranchise the expat and also
those who disempower and stereotype the in-migrant ("Lalu Ram and
Mohammed Iqbal from Bihar") are guilty of neglecting the Golden Rule.
Do unto others what you'd wish them to do to you... FN

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php

  • ... Antonio Menezes
    • ... Carvalho
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Bernado Colaco
    • ... Venantius J Pinto
      • ... Alfred de Tavares

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