May Manohar Parrikar Prove Worthy

Despite the well deserved heavy trashing, it looks like the Congress
has not learnt an ounce of lesson, as even the selection of its mere
opposition leader had a high end drama and treachery written all over
it and not surprising “Pasta mama” had to step in to control some of
the stubborn few of the very few wayward children left in the Goa
Assembly. It only shows how fortunate we Goans are that Congress did
not win the election because if they had somehow won, we could have
had a stampede for the limited edition chairs in the Goa Assembly and
they could have been playing the tug off war or the musical chairs for
the next five years and Goa could have been bereft of any development,
as well as even a semblance of good governance. Goans can only say
good riddance !

This defeat has certainly shattered a lot of dreams and plans of those
that transgressed while in power and now as retribution looms like a
large dark cloud ready to burst, pour down and take them to sea, wile
is already at work. It was as soon as the election results were
declared that Babush Monseratte gave a hearty embrace to the BJP
commandant and told the press that Manohar Parrikar was, is and will
always remain his friend, was this a wily old Trojan horse that was
presented or a white flag of surrender ? The significance of which was
not late in coming, as the news papers state that Babush Monseratte
who fought with all he had and made sure that Parrikar’s lobby was
defeated at the Panjim Municipal hustling not so long ago, is now all
ready to bring Parrikar’s lobby to power. Why such an extreme change
of heart in such a short span of time ? I am sure Goans have seen
through this veil of deception and I only hope the BJP commandant and
the CM of Goa does not fall for a cheap trick of a third grade street

Not to be undone the GVP leader, who before the election had thundered
that no party will form the next government without his party’s help,
ironically, he has now pledged unconditional support to the BJP even
without being asked for. It certainly looks like the some of the lost
sheep of the previous government are seeking shelter from retribution
by offering goodwill. Wise up Parrikar.

Finally, with the embers of excitement and suspense of the election
dying down, Goans are looking forward to a new era of good and healthy
governance in Goa after decades of decay and debauchery. With the BJP
in an absolute majority, Goans for once have been spared of the
ignominy of high end drams of horse trading and back stabbing despite
pre-nuptial agreements that Goa has been so very unfortunate to
witness in abundance over the decades, its respite at last. The new
Assembly has just convened and with the formalities of the swearing-in
done with, Goans expect the newly elected members of the Assembly to
take up the gauntlet and do what needs to be done for the greater
glory of Goa and Goans.

Though Goan Catholics were skeptical of the BJP they seemed to have
temporarily vanquished their communal fears, as it was the strong and
total resentment against the Congress that forced the change of guard
in Goa’s political elite, after a decade of free for all corruption,
Goans opted for a change, even though surprised at the dimension of
defeat of the Congress, its was certainly the need of the hour and
Goans have acted responsibly and have now placed their faith and
aspirations in the hands of Parrikar and the BJP. It is with great
hope and anticipation that Goans in Goa and around the world are
looking forward to an effective and efficient form of governance, may
the change that has happened act as the much need catalyst for a
comprehensive, constructive and healthy metamorphosis of Goa and
Goans. May Parrikar prove worthy of the faith Goans have reposed in
him. God bless Goa.

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