May I suggest that JC read both my posts in totality and in context and not
in bits and pieces. The message is very clear to the discerning that those
who make pompous and bombastic statements like double-faced politicians
should first walk the talk. They need to lead by example first before
expecting others to live up to what they expect. For those whom the cap
fit, this message hit home very well.

On a separate note, the quotation has been variously attributed to the
Chinese as well as to George Bernard Shaw. See,+do+those+who+cannot,+teach+-+chinese+proverbs&source=bl&ots=FqnVEGEldJ&sig=XdcrKpnkYxk2rO5hS_6Y_nmcBBc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=86JuT5qrD8XWrQfrlYSgDg&sqi=2&ved=0CGUQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q&f=false



*It is possible that Marshall a: miswrote b: made an error c: is a
double-speak specialist. +/- does not know how to accept that he made an
error. Whichever .....I cannot see how Marshal can reasonably claim to
"have high regard and respect for teachers" based on what he he wrote on
23Mar2012 (quoted above). jc*

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