This caste system should be eradicated in it's entirety from the memories of 
all Goans.
And anyone who propagates this kind of thinking should be castigated for 

this kind of thinking.
Ignatius Fernandes.  

 From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 13 April 2012, 17:16
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 375
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Caste and Assolna (J. Colaco  < jc>)
   2. Goa news for April 13, 2012 (Goanet News Service)
   3. Dan Driscoll, with Greeting from Canada.. . . (DAN DRISCOLL)
   4. Re: Ministerial portfolios (E DeSousa)
   5. CCP Councillor's Letter to Mayor & Points raised during    the
      Budget Meet (Sandeep Heble)
   6. Colonial cousins? (Frederick Noronha)
   7. NEWS: Transparency gets first layer of opacity as Parrikar
      bans Press from secretariat during cabinet meetings (TargetGoa)
      (Goanet News)
   9. Statement on February IIP Data by Mr. Chandrajit Banerjee,
      Director General, CII (CII-Goa)
  10. Freedom of Press does not give licence to a newspaper to
      malign a political leader or mar his future political    prospects
      by publishing fake and defamatory writings. (amar kantak)

I too abhor the way Selma Carvalho is propagating the 

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 15:46:28 -0400
From: "J. Colaco  < jc>" <>
To: Carvalho <>,     "Goa's premiere mailing list,
    estb. 1994!" <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Caste and Assolna
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Carvalho <> wrote: I was wondering if anyone
would be able to comment on this. In Salcete large areas do not have
bamons. Would Assolna of Salcete have had bamons. What would be the
possibility of a man who set up a school in Assolna being bamon?


a: I trust that Selma is NOT asking about those who claim to have
converted to Catholicism.
b: IF so, the total number for the whole of Salcete and Goa should be ZERO.

c: This nonsense aka the Caste System is an Apartheid discriminatory
relic from the pre-conversion days.
d: It has done enough of havoc in East Africa (inter alia, pl read Ben
Antao's The tailor's daughter).
e: It created significant problems within the precincts of the
Catholic Church in Goa.
f: It shamefully continues to create awful problems among
allegedly-Catholic families at the time of marriages.
g: Why, pray, propagate (albeit inadvertently) this horrible racist
institution in 2012, especially wrt those who have an opportunity to
get rid of the blot of the original Apartheid discrimination from
their inheritance? [The glorified revision of the Caste System having
been noted]
h: Please find another topic to research.


sub Harijan Kunbi or lower (if there is such a classification)


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 16:30:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Goanet News Service <>
Subject: [Goanet] Goa news for April 13, 2012
Message-ID: <>

Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Tourists ordered off Goa beaches after tsunami scare -
Travel Daily News International

*** Book on Goan sports personalities released - Mid-Day
ayThe author sat amidst a galaxy of sports stars with Goan
origins at the launch. The book is a chronicle of achievements
by some known and unknown Goan sport stars. Hockey international
Joaquim Carvalho who was part of the panellists on the dais
first ...

*** Turtle nesting look up on Goa beaches - Zee News
IYM">and more »

*** Minor working in Goa Medical College canteen rescued - Times
of India
ear-old boy from Bihar working at the Goa Medical College and
Hospital (GMC) canteen was rescued by the Agasaim police on
Thursday. Jivba Dalvi, police inspector of Agasaim police
station told TOI that they received an application from ...

*** Panchayat: Goa govt to probe delimitation 'mischief' -

*** Friday Balcao to remember Matanhy - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe discussion will recall the activism of Matanhy
Saldanha in various environmental struggles and issues in Goa
and the country at large and the lessons to be learnt.The
discussion will also cover the political activism of Saldanha
with reference to ...<a class="

*** European film fest sails to Goa's shore - Times of India
9. The festival will see the screening of films from 24 European
Union member states, connected through the central theme of
love. Among the countries that will be represented are Italy
...<a class="

*** Government to petition Centre over cut in kerosene quota -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The state government has decided to write to
the central government demanding revocation of its decision to
reduce Goa's kerosene quota by 73%. Civil supplies minister
Dayanand Mandrekar said he has already moved a file in this
direction.<a class="

*** SSA failed to train enough primary teachers: CAG - Times of
ervice teachers' training. The 10-day in-service training
programme for teachers was introduced by the Centre under SSA to
upgrade teaching ...<a class="

*** Goa Board to seek second opinion on 'error' - Times of India
ppointed scrutinizer's report which had stated that the Class X
maths question paper ...<a class="

Compiled by Goanet News Service


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 21:04:37 -0300
Subject: [Goanet] Dan Driscoll, with Greeting from Canada.. . .
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

This is really just a test mail, to see if I can post from my g eid, now
that my ' broadband' is no more. Having marked the 1st Anniversary
of dear wife Germana's passing, in Goa, I am now repatriated to Canadian
home district of Atlantic Canada. Great changes are noted, after
twenty-five years of non-resident status. I am saying 'half in fun, and all
in earnest' that Canadian life for the urbanized middle class seems to
revolve around the Shopping Mall and the I-phone! Whether this bodes good
or ill for 'Canadian Culture', I suppose 'time will tell'.

>From time to time I'll try sending a comment or two from my new Vantage
Point, for GoaNetters. I'm located in Halifax/Dartmouth, within an hour's
drive of the Atlantic Coast fishing ports which comprise the oldest
colonial settlements of North America. Driving along that Coast Road a
couple of days back I noticed a signpost pointing to 'Bacalau Cove'!
Portuguese fishermen were here, practically from the time when Vasco da
Gama set foot on the shores of India. So, in some sense it is the 'closing
of a psychic circuit', for me!


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:08:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: E DeSousa <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Ministerial portfolios
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

On 11 April 2012 18:09, Bernardo de Sousa <> wrote:

> I have just read that Dipak Dhawalikar is Goa's new minister for
> Co-operation, Factories & Boilers. Does any Goanetter know why Goa needs a
> minister for boilers?
> Thanks.

Gabe Menezes <> responds:

> RESPONSE: Could be misspelt - should be broilers? like chick chick...

My response:

How about Boilers for making urrak .... (aka moonshine stills ). 
Not sure if this?requires? "ministerial level" oversight.




Message: 5
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 06:45:00 +0530
From: Sandeep Heble <>
Subject: [Goanet] CCP Councillor's Letter to Mayor & Points raised
    during    the Budget Meet
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Ms Bharati Heble's Letter to Mayor Vaidehi Naik & Points raised during
the Budget Meet held on 12-4-2012:

The Mayor Mrs Vaidehi Naik
The Corporation of the city of Panaji

Sub: Proposals for discussion and adoption by the CCP Council

1. According to a census study which was reported in the local dailies
few days back, 20 percent of houses in Goa lack toilet facilities.
While toilets form our basic needs and necessities, it is sad and
unfortunate to note that concerned authorities have still not been
able to provide these basic services to its own citizens, even 50
years after our Liberation. This Council is therefore requested to
take serious note of this issue and to take appropriate steps to
identify such houses in Panaji city which lack Toilet facilities, and
provide these facilities to such houses. A consultant may be appointed
to prepare estimates/ feasibility report, etc. and further steps
required may be taken.

2. The Honourable High Court of Bombay had disposed of a PUBLIC
INTEREST LITIGATION (WP NO. 20 OF 2007) regarding the cleanliness of
the Panaji city after the CCP Commissioner had given an Undertaking to
the Hon? ble High Court for setting up a special cell for the
enforcement of the public orders pertaining to hygiene, sanitation
etc. Such an Enforcement Cell comprising of Municipal Inspectors and
other Corporation employees had been set up in 2007 and was functional
but it no longer exists today. You are requested to initiate immediate
steps to set up such a cell once again so that public health and
hygiene is maintained and the Order of the Hon? ble High Court is

3. The proposal for dredging and cleaning up of St Inez nullah may be
initiated immediately until further development / beautification works
are planned and carried out. The St. Inez Nullah is a headache for the
residents of the areas of St. Inez and Campal as also the whole of
Panaji. The residents who live in close vicinity have to face immense
hardships due to the stink emanating from its waters, pollution and
environmental damage, etc. Garbage is also frequently thrown there and
the whole place is a big mess, which needs to be cleared. Desilting
works may be carried out as urgent remedial measures. Walls that have
collapsed must be rebuilt.

4. The traffic in the city has increased considerably and there is a
lot of congestion along the St. Inez-Tonca-Caranzalem route. A good
consultant may be appointed for building a 4 ?lane road along this
route and the process of acquiring land along the route must begin

5. A Special Cell needs to be set up to deal with illegalities. The
process of dealing with complaints related to illegal constructions
and other illegalities/ irregularities is slow and cumbersome. Despite
complaints being lodged, no action is taken and the illegalities are
allowed to thrive and persist. The Council is requested to approve
measures to set up a Special Cell to deal with illegalities so that
complaints can be addressed within a stipulated frame of time.

6. There are several properties owned by the CCP which are leased out.
The CCP receives nominal rents for these properties and there has been
marginal or no increment in rent tariffs even though the rents of
properties in Panjim city have sky-rocketed. Some of these properties
have even been transferred illegally to third parties by the tenants
who have taken huge sums of monies to transfer their rights to others.
The CCP must initiate steps to enhance rents of its leased properties
and other steps may also be initiated to get back some of its
properties which have been transferred illegally.

7. The SAG at its General Body had approved the construction of a
state-of-the-art Football stadium at Campal. The Government has now
taken a decision to declare Football as the Official Sport of Goa.
Football is the most favoured sport of all Goans and the CCP must
fully support the Government?s initiatives by passing a Resolution in
favour of both these decisions. A state-of-the art Football stadium at
Campal will be a great boon for the Panaji city.

8. The parking of vehicles in no parking areas must be put to a halt
as it leads to chaos and traffic congestion. CCP must appoint Agencies
to tow away vehicles parked in no parking areas. Proper hoarding
Policy must be put in place with fresh regulations and Guidelines
framed. CCP will receive considerable revenue if such measures are

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely

Bharati Heble
CCP Councillor Ward 13


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 03:21:43 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] Colonial cousins?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On first encountering this name, I almost thought he could be Goan:

Mascarenhas, Marsh give Punjab first points

But not so. Read more about his roots here:

Interesting enough, the newspapers here are getting all tongue twied,
over the spelling of "Mascarhenas".?But his parents' names (and their
spellings) are even more interesting: "Mascarenhas was born to Malik
Mascarenhas and his wife, Pauline (n?e de Croos), both from the *****
community. He grew up in Perth, Australia and attended school at
Trinity College, Perth; school alumni include Australian international
cricketers Simon Katich, Tim Zoehrer, and Craig Serjeant. In 1996
Mascarenhas returned to England to pursue a professional cricket


Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 04:30:30 +0530
From: Goanet News <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: Transparency gets first layer of opacity as
    Parrikar bans Press from secretariat during cabinet meetings
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Transparency gets first layer of opacity as Parrikar bans Press from
secretariat during cabinet meetings

The political media in Goa is incensed over Manohar Parrikar banning
the media from his cabinet meetings. Not only does he not want them at
the meeting, he has banned the media from the Secretariat itself when
Cabinet meetings are on. What's he got to hide? He's Mr Transparent
CM, say the irritated pressmen. "I don't like being nagged when I am
going into the Cabinet meeting," is what Parrikar is reported to have
said to reporters.

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has a unique style of dealing with the
media. He opens up, welcomes them in, bares his heart to them,
explains everything painstakingly because "they do not understand".
This show of patience does not last long. At the end of the day,
Parrikar is a man who will not suffer fools gladly. Still, if he
ruffles feathers of the very large and very vocal media in Goa, he
could, like Icarus, be flying too close to the sun.

The media is an animal that needs to be fed continuously, with fresh
stories or fresh variations of existing stories. Juggling the mess he
has inherited, sleep deprivation and a conviction that his way is the
right way, the irritation with fatuous questions is showing. The
biggest hurdle, both politically, and as far as public relations goes
is the ticklish Medium of Instruction issue. Parrikar is damned if he
does and damned if he doesn't. Frankly, this website doesn't think he
has any strategy for the Medium of Instruction mess which will be
welcomed by the pro-English Medium grants and anti-English medium

In addition, many members of his Cabinet are first-timers, they could
inadvertently say something that will be taken up and flashed around
the state in seconds. Then there is the delicate balancing act
Parrikar has to do walking the tight rope with the MGP Dhavlikar Bros
on one side and a few dissatisfied ministers on another side, who wish
they had different portfolios. He needs to be able to control his
lions in the ring, or he will get chewed up before he gets his show on
the road. The media with flashbulbs and questions will cramp his


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 00:57:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Goa World <>
Cc: The Goan Forum TGF <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)? 




?Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter presented by team



Message: 9
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:15:42 +0530
From: "CII-Goa" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Goanet] Statement on February IIP Data by Mr. Chandrajit
    Banerjee,    Director General, CII
Message-ID: <09723D8021FC4EA18A77AEAABFFF6BB5@ciijohn>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear Members of the Media,

Would be most obliged if you could kindly carry the appended press note in your 
esteemed newspaper., 

With warm regards

N Venugopal
Cmde. N Venugopal VSM IN (Retd)
Advisor - Goa State Office
Confederation of Indian Industry
502, Unitech City Center,
M. G. Road, Panaji, Goa 403 001
Tel: 0832 - 2422790 / 2422796 / 9822123077
e-mail: ;  
Before printing, think about ENVIRONMENTAL responsibility.

Statement on February IIP Data

by Mr. Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII

The IIP figures for February 2012 are along expected lines, with moderate 
improvements being seen in basic goods and capital goods with base effect also 
playing a part. However, the error reported in the January number has sharply 
pulled down the growth rate for the year till now. Overall, industrial growth 
remains weak and is not likely to exceed 4.0% in the full year FY2012. In order 
to realise the Budget projection of 7.6 per cent GDP growth in FY2013, it is 
necessary to use all policy levers to encourage growth and investment. It is 
time that the RBI focuses on getting growth back by sharply reducing interest 


12th April 2012



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Message: 10
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 17:40:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: amar kantak <>
Subject: [Goanet] Freedom of Press does not give licence to a
    newspaper to    malign a political leader or mar his future political
    prospects by publishing fake and defamatory writings.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

The fundamental objective of journalism is to serve the people with news, 
views, comments and information on matters of public interest in a fair, 
accurate, unbiased, sober and decent manner. To this end, the Press is expected 
to conduct itself in keeping with certain norms of professionalism, universally 
recognised. The norms enunciated below and other specific guidelines appended 
thereafter, when applied with due discernment and adaptation to the varying 
circumstance of each case, will help the journalist to self-regulate his or her 
1.?????? Accuracy? and Fairness
i) The Press shall eschew publication of inaccurate, baseless, graceless, 
misleading or distorted material. All sides of the core issue or subject should 
be reported. Unjustified rumours and surmises should not be set forth as facts.
2.?????? Pre-publication Verification
???????????????? i)????? On receipt of a report or article of public interest 
and benefit containing imputations or comments against a citizen, the editor 
should check with due care and attention its factual accuracy apart from other 
authentic sources- with the person or the organisation concerned to elicit 
his/her or its version, comments or reaction and publish the same alongside 
with due correction in the report where necessary.? In the event of lack or 
absence of response, a footnote to that effect may be appended to the report.
3.?????? Caution against defamatory writings
i) Newspaper should not publish anything which is manifestly defamatory or 
libellous against any individual/organisation unless after due care and 
verification, there is sufficient reason/evidence to believe that it is true 
and its publication will be for public good.
ii) Truth is no defence for publishing derogatory, scurrilous and defamatory 
material against a private citizen where no public interest is involved.
iv) The Press has a duty, discretion and right to serve the public interest by 
drawing reader's attention to citizens of doubtful antecedents and of 
questionable character but as responsible journalists they should observe due 
restraint and caution in hazarding their own opinion or conclusion in branding 
these persons as 'cheats' or 'killers' etc. The cardinal principle being that 
the guilt of a person should be established by proof of facts alleged and not 
by proof of the bad character of the accused. In the zest to expose, the Press 
should not exceed the limits of ethical caution and fair comment.
v) The Press shall not rely on objectionable past behaviour of a citizen to 
provide the background for adverse comments with reference to fresh action of 
that person. If public good requires such reference, the Press should make 
pre-publication inquiries from the authorities concerned about the follow up 
action, if any, in regard to earlier adverse actions.
? vi) Where the impugned publication is manifestly injurious to the reputation 
of the complainant, the onus shall be on the respondent to show that it was 
true or to establish that it constituted fair comment made in good faith and 
for public good.
(viii) Publication of defamatory news by one paper does not give licence to 
others to publish?news/ information ??????reproducing or repeating the same.
(ix) Insertion of out -of -context, uncalled for and irrelevant statements 
likely?to?malign?a person or an organisation must? be eschewed.
(x)??? Freedom of Press does not give licence to a newspaper to malign a 
political leader or mar his future political prospects by publishing fake and 
defamatory writings. 
party in the case of any controversy/dispute. 
11. Reporting-Proceedings of Legislature
????????? The newspapers have a duty to report faithfully the proceedings of 
either House of Parliament, Legislative Assembly and in this regard the 
newspapers shall not be liable for any proceedings civil or criminal in any 
court unless it is proved that reporting have been made with malice.? However, 
the newspapers should not publish any report based on proceedings of a sitting 
of either House of Parliament or Legislative Assembly or as the case may be 
either House of the Legislature of a State, which is not open to the media. 
21.???? Headings not to be sensational/provocative and must justify the matter 
printed under them
i) In general and particularly in the context of communal disputes or clashes 
?a. Provocative and sensational headlines are to be avoided;
?b. Headings must reflect and justify the matter printed under them;
?c. Headings containing allegations made in statements should either identify 
the body or the source making it or at least carry quotation marks.
e) Election Reporting-1996
?3. The Press should refrain from publishing false or critical statements in 
regard to the personal character and conduct of any candidate or in relation to 
the candidature or withdrawal of any candidate or his candidature, to prejudice 
the prospects of that candidate in the elections. The Press shall not publish 
unverified allegations against any candidate/party.
Complaints Procedure
????????? A person with a complaint against a newspaper, for any publication, 
or non-publication of a material, which he finds objectionable and which 
effects him personally, he should first take it up with the editor or other 
authorised representative of the publication concerned.
????????? If the complaint is not resolved to satisfaction, he may refer it to 
the Press Council of India.? The complaint must be specific and in writing and 
should be lodged within two months of the publication of impugned news item in 
case of dailies and weeklies and four months in all other cases, along with the 
original/Photostat copy of the impugned clipping (English translation, if the 
matter is in a language other than Hindi).? It must state in what manner the 
publication/non publication of the matter is objectionable within the meaning 
of the Press Council Act, 1978? enclose a copy of the letter to the editor, 
pointing out why?? the matter? is objectionable.? His reply thereto or 
published rejoinder, if any, may also be attached to it.? Declaration stating 
that the subject matter of the complainant is not pending in any court of law 
is also required to be filed.
????? ii)??

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 375

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