Funilly enough, I use the term 'Goa taxi syndrome' to describe the ongoing
mess in the liberalised Amsterdam taxi market (where, despite meters,
fleecing the unaware is at the order of the day, and very bad manners are
offered as bonus)

I think the causes are basically the same: too many cabbies chasing too
few  customers. Contrary to 101 economics, this competition does not lead
to better services and lower prices, but to exactly the reverse: desperate
taxi drivers trying to max out what they can take from their rarified
prey. This in turn, leads to a vicious circle of spiraling prices and
aggrieved customers - and ever more frustrated cabbies.

In Amsterdam, TCA, the main taxi drivers co-operative, is trying to sort
out the mess, by being extremely tough on their errant members. The
municipality, which has long shunned to intervene in the taxi world,
deemed to be too 'complicated', and serving only the rich anyway, is now
also pouncing. But it's an uphill task.

Groningen, in the North of the country (NL), is more succesful. Taxis
there are considered public transport, and are mostly run by the same
company that run the city buses - and which is owned by ... the German
Railways. Private drivers may also ply - on the same terms of service.

And for really smmoth service and friendly cab operation, one might look
at Shanghai. Will Parikar be able to make the difference?

Cheers from p+4D!

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