The Ethics Of Goan Politics

After the untimely demise of the popular Goan activist and MLA elect, Mathany 
Saldanha, a lot of Goans wanted his wife Alina to take up the gauntlet of 
Mathany's missions and continue his fight for the Goan causes and there were 
abundant overtones from a lot of quarters that Alina should be elected 
unopposed at the Cortalim by-elections and looking at the most bizarre scenario 
on the last day for withdrawal of candidature, they did get their wish, as 
Alina Saldanha was indeed elected unopposed from Cortalim. I for I had been a 
supporter of Mathany's causes for a long time and I am happy that Alina has 
indeed stood up to be counted and by God hope she does for the sake of Goa and 
Goans but I would be happier if she had won in a more democratic way.

Is this what a lot of Goans wanted ? Yes, may be the resounding answer, now 
that it has happened but let us ask ourselves, was it the right way to happen ? 
Here, at least some will give it a though before they shake their heads in 
negation, as the bizarre circumstances have only led to some unhealthy and 
undemocratic presumptions or rather more questions than answers, which further 
question the credibility of our democracy, which has already been robbed of 
it's virtues and ethos by corruption and nepotism, as the ethics of Goans 
politics had plummeted to newer depths of degeneration.

It is this embedded culture of corruption that had led to squalid misgovernance 
which indeed compelled deep introspection in Goans, as a result we witnessed 
the overwhelming defeat of the corrupt and the squalid governance and the much 
needed change was attained. At the elections in March Goans had made a 
statement, that we do not like to be taken for granted and I hope that our 
triad against the corrupt and the squalid governance, is not just overwhelming 
one day and non-existent the next but that we Goans remain forever vigilant 
against the guile and treachery of our politicians.

History has taught us that Democracy can be a boon in the hands of efficient 
and capable people but it can also be a bane in the hands of the wrong people, 
the selfish and the inefficient and we have seen ample proof of the latter in 
India and even in Goa itself, so much so that a lot of disgruntled Goans have 
reverberated that Goa should never have been a part of the Indian democracy and 
looking at the Indian and Goan politics at the moment some may well accept it 
as a fact, especially when we see our loathsome politicians get involved in 
horse trading,  jumping political bandwagons, changing loyalties, discarding 
and embracing principles like they change their under-clothing (if they wear 
any), to hold on to positions and financial advantage through political clout.

There have been a range of accusations and counter accusations regarding the 
result of the Cortalim by-poll, the truth may never see the light of day like 
many other issues but if there were wrong methods used to derail a democratic 
process then I say, democracy is not for Goans, it will always be an attempted 
murder of the sanctity and ethics of democracy, and I surely hope that Manohar 
Parrikar has not violated those norms of democracy to score brownie points over 
his rivals. Manipulative democracy is what Goans can do without and for the 
sake of Goa and Goans I sincerely hope Manohar Parrikar has not manipulated our 
democracy in his bid to embarrass the opposition and ascertain his power in 
Goan politics.

If Alina has won the election fair and square without any appropriations, then 
I say congratulation Alina Saldanha, may you follow the vision of your late 
respected husband and may he guide you from his heavenly abode to carry on his 
legacy and fulfill his unfulfilled dreams, to make Goa a truly model state.  
May God be with you Alina, in your endeavour.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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