SAG to give Basketball, Hockey the kiss of life
Times News Network

Panaji: Basketball and Hockey, two of Goa's most prominent sports not
too long ago, are set to be administered the kiss of life by the
Sports Authority of Goa.

SAG Executive Director Elvis Gomes has been quietly working behind the
scenes to get the warring factions together so that the game moves
ahead on expected lines.

"Our policy is quite simple. One sport, one association. We are all
working towards unifying the sport," Gomes told TOI on Tuesday.

Basketball and hockey have both suffered due to either defunct
associations, or as is the case now, warring factions that are
fighting for control over the sport.

"I was not aware of the exact situation in basketball but the
Nationals(at Verna) opened our eyes. There were officials from the
Federation as well and that helped us to put various points of view
across. I am confident that we can find a solution", explained Gomes.

Gomes is understood to have already held talks with both factions in
basketball and the group that currently finds favour with the
Basketball Federation of India - reportedly in power for more than two
decades - have softened their stand and are willing to be largely

"I have held talks with both the groups and can say we are close to a
solution. We all want basketball to progress and that can only happen
if all of us join hands. We are doing this for the betterment of
basketball in Goa," said Gomes, who is also targetting a lot of other
dormant or ineffective associations.

It was not immediately known if Goa Basketball Association President
CF Vaz or Secretary Shekhar Jain have agreed to relinquish power.
Gomes, too, would not spill the beans but said the "compromise
formula" that is being worked out should be acceptable to all sides. A
newly-elected BJP MLA is being touted as the next GBA President.

Hockey, too, has faced a power struggle with two associations - Goans
Hockey and Association for control of Hockey in Goa - battling for
recognition from Goa Olympic Association and SAG.

Most of the problems have been created due to a power struggle at the
centre where Hockey India and the Indian Hockey Federation have held
and dropped power. But in Goa, the SAG is determined to put the house
in order.

"We have called for a meeting of all three factions(Goans Hockey, ACHG
and Goa Women's Hockey Association) on Friday. We should be able to
put things in order," said Gomes.

Times of India, Goa
May 23 Edition

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