
Love triumphs all, is a theme that is not new to any of us. We have experienced 
this theme in movies, TV soaps and literature: the lovers go against all odds 
to assert their love for each other and to gain acceptance in a wider society 
of their (generally) clandestine affair. I have always felt that such 
narratives provide a utopian picture of the real world for us. Things are not 
always as black and white as they are made to appear…
Pandharinath D. Lotlikar’s debut novel Toddzodd joins the long list of such 
narratives. He is no stranger to the readers of Konknni, having contributed to 
various magazines and having written both in Romi and nagri. Formerly with the 
All India Radio and Durdarshan, he decided to publish his first novel in the 
Roman script because he wanted his novel to reach a wider audience all the 
while acknowledging the important contribution of writers in this particular 
script to the corpus of Konknni literature.
The story that Pandharinath Lotlikar sets out to tell is one which moves 
back-and-forth between many identities: Catholic-Hindu, rich-poor, 
upper-caste-lower-caste. The protagonist of the novel is Suzan who is Catholic, 
as the name suggests. Suzan is also a girl coming from a financially modest 
family and as suggested by the narrative of the novel, one can safely presume 
that she is of low-caste birth. She falls in love with the son of her boss and 
their amorous affair eventually leads Suzan to unwed pregnancy. Although the 
son, who is known as Babush, agrees to marry her, there is a lot of opposition 
from his family. Hence, Suzan has to abort the child and due to the stigma 
attached to unwed pregnancy, along with her mother leaves for the Gulf where 
her father is employed.
Suzan has a very sympathetic and ‘modern-thinking’ uncle. He is of the opinion 
that narrow barriers such as caste and wealth should not come between the union 
of two people. To that effect, Suzan’s family visits the house of Babush to 
discuss the marriage arrangements. But they are driven out very unceremoniously 
and due to influential contacts of the father of Babush with the police, they 
even get arrested. Babush is cast as a playboy, who even after the fiasco with 
Suzan does not stop his philandering and hedonistic ways. After a few years 
Suzan returns back to Goa.
Due to his immoral behaviour, Babush receives a lot of infamy and his chances 
of a happy married life are impaired because of his previous record. Babush 
starts to drown his sorrows in alcohol, which concerns his parents. His parents 
Mr. and Mrs. Khomvtte (Khaunte) are these elitist bigots who like to keep their 
distance from the ‘others’ and who never fail to insult those people who are 
low-castes, for instance Subhada’s friend Udai. The story takes a turn when 
their daughter Subhada elopes with a boy from Bihar. It is here they realize 
that Subhada’s friend Udai, who was from the barber’s community and who had 
just completed his studies in medicine could have been a suitable match for 
their daughter. 
The bigoted parents realize their faults and set out to make amends. Bubush now 
has to redeem himself in the eyes of Suzan because he realizes that he still 
has feelings for her. Since Babush helps Suzan’s family in a nasty property 
dispute involving an unscrupulous builder from Delhi, things start to change 
for the better. In the end they get married and even the estranged daughter and 
son-in-law of Mr. Khomvtte are reunited with the family. Happy ending!
Although there is a happy ending to this novel, I believe that there are many 
issues that the author has raised and some that he has glossed over and such 
issues need to be critically examined. In order to break the narrow shackles of 
caste, Pandharinath Lotlikar suggests and in a way endorses least possible 
interference by adults when the question of their children’s marriage is 
concerned. But the rubric of adlem chintop (old thinking) is too broad or vague 
to discuss caste divisions or religious divisions. There are no clear-cut 
indications of whether the author is pointing towards caste or religion. The 
idea that inter-caste/religious marriages can lead to greater social justice 
and general happiness is not something that one can easily accept because the 
power and gender relations of caste and marriage are much more confounding than 
the simplistic view that we find in Toddzodd like, for instance, “Vornna 
vevostha” or Varna hierarchy is no longer existent in contempo
 rary and technologically advanced times. 
Although Suzan is the protagonist of the novel, her role is that of the passive 
bystander. Most of the decisions pertaining to her life are either made by her 
uncle, Antao or she is shown as having no other option but to accept what fate 
has in store for her. When Suzan gets married she is shown to have converted to 
the religion of her husband and even gets her name changed to Suman – one who 
has a good/pure mind. The author here doesn’t dwell much on this aspect of the 
story; it is treated as something very natural in the course of events of the 
story. Suzan’s voice is not her own and it is in the treatment and construction 
of the character of Suzan that the contradictions, conflicts and dichotomies of 
such thinking, like that of Pandharinath Lotlikar, come to the fore. It also 
exposes the shaky arguments that are made by the author against 
caste/religion-based inequalities for on one hand a call is given to abandon 
the old (read as bad) and burst forth into the new, w
 hich is egalitarian and good; but on the other one can find such practices of 
not only asking a woman to convert but also fundamentally changing her identity 
by way of giving a new name. And because the author has not bothered to comment 
and clarify his stand on this glaring contradiction, I feel that it has been 
glossed over. Although the idea behind this novel is the compromises that 
parents should make when marriage of their children is concerned, Suzan the 
poor and presumably low-caste Catholic girl seems to be making the most 
Politics of representation and caste aside, Pandharinath has a beautiful way of 
writing Konknni. It is simple yet mellifluous. There are some genuine 
laugh-out-loud moments in the novel such as the prank that is played on Babush 
during the Carnival ball! If we beak the title Toddzodd into two equal halves 
we get two different words: todd (=to break) and zodd (=to join). I feel that 
one needs to break a lot of casteist mindsets before we start building a new 
society. Perhaps then toddzodd or compromise may not be required.

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Toddzodd by Pandharinath D. Lotlikar (Panjim/Ponnji: Dalgado Konknni Akademi), 
2011; pp. 155, Rs. 50/-; Phone: 91-0832-2221688 (Available at Dalgado Konknni 
Akademi, Panjim)

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