Thanks Mervyn.
Enjoyed reading the articles and couldn't help but admire the high ideals
of our
early Goan pioneers to East Africa. Their aims, as mentioned in the
President's speech,
  *"to foster unity among Goans, to promote social and intellectual
activities and*
*to provide the best possible means of spending their leisure hours" -*
volumes. Wise words indeed from our Sages of yore.
  I could also visualise my former boss(Sir Richard Turnbull) delivering
that speech and praising Goans
in his customary manner,fortified(as I'm sure he must have been) with a
good tot of his famous Scotch?!
  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that Goans in
Tanganyika(Tanzania) got on far better than
those of us in Kenya?


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