

Writing a debut novel can be a tough task. Inexperience can be a major 
hindrance. The plot may digress and may not be able to hold the attention of 
the reader. If such manuscripts do not go through a process of critical 
surveying, followed by the tightest possible editing, then the end result could 
be a bad reading experience. The review of Budd’tti, a novel by Manuel 
Fernandes in the Roman script will discuss such a shortcoming and also try to 
read the plot (or plots) of the novel along with the contemporary social and 
political Goan world.
Manuel Fernandes has written and directed a few tiatrs and has presented his 
plays on the All India Radio. He is a regular writer who has published his 
writings in many Konknni mastheads, especially Gulab.
Budd’tti or flood is a novel which takes its inspiration from the Biblical tale 
of Noah and the deluge that God had sent on the earth. Manuel Fernandes has 
tried to use the symbolism of the Flood and how it inundates everything, in 
trying to comment about the abysmal and egregious conditions of Goan political 
life and also (I suspect) the declining moral values of Catholic families. But 
in attempting to invoke this symbolism as well as wrapping a moral message for 
his readers, Manuel Fernandes’ novel fails to live up to the expectations. The 
plot changes directions several times; to the effect that it seems that the 
author is abandoning one strand of narration and starting a new one, only to 
discard it once again.
The novel opens with Ronald, a small-time cloth merchant and his wife Ravina 
who are very devoted to each other. But there is a sudden twist in the story: 
Ronald starts having an affair with a young widow, Sofia. Ravina is divorced by 
Ronald and he drives her out of the house – and into destitution. In another 
turn of events, Ronald is shown as leading an agitation against a 
pollution-causing factory. This agitation snowballs into a popular movement 
which propels him into politics. In due course of time he also becomes the 
Chief Minister of Goa. Agitation against big industries is an important theme 
in the book and I believe it is included in the narrative because in recent 
times Goa has gone through many such agitations. But though Ronald is the 
protagonist and contemporary politics a major space for comment, the author 
seems to be struggling to keep these strands tied together in a unifying 
Ravina is shown as migrating to Bombay, only to make a dramatic and somewhat 
surreal entry in the end. Manuel Fernandes had tried to keep the suspense for 
the last, but such a model does not succeed in providing a coherent and 
believable ending. Along with the revamping of the plot in the editing stages 
of the book, the author also had a lot of scope to expand and develop his 
existing narrative. Elaborating more on the characters and the plot at the 
beginning of the novel would have, in my opinion, provided a solid base to the 
Meanwhile, due to his power and influence Ronald starts indulging himself in 
corrupt practices. He starts smuggling arms and precious metals as well as 
making under-the-table deals to set up pollution-causing industries. Ronald 
chances upon a hidden vault when constructing his house and he converts it into 
an underground cave; a haven for his contraband. This hidden cave is accidently 
discovered by Felicio, a journalist who puts his principles and the ethics of 
the profession first and follows them to the book.
After a lot of rather bizarre twists and turns, Ronald receives punishment for 
his evil deeds. His criminal activities are exposed (though in a way that would 
never stand a chance in a court of law!) and he has to run away from the long 
arm of the law as well as the frenzied fury of his voters. Ronald escapes to 
the surrounding jungle and returns in a state of destitution and injury to a 
dilapidated house, where he breathes his last. During his funeral, suddenly, 
the sky becomes overcast and there is a torrent of rain. And since the novel is 
set on the banks of the Zuari (Cortalim to be precise), the banks of the river 
overflow and the resulting flood washes the coffin and with it the corpse of 
Ronald into the sea.
What Manuel Fernandes has tried to do is to use Ronald as a symbol for the rot 
in Goan society, where everything that we cherished has been destroyed or is on 
the verge of destruction. Ronald is the corrupt politician who is selling dear 
Goa for his own benefit, not for a second thinking about the general public or 
listening to the voice of his conscience. And somewhere, between so much gloom 
and doom, there is a longing for the good old days; for an ideal to be realized

We can find a caution in the novel, that if we don’t wake up fast, along with 
our “coffins” we will also be washed away in the sea of nothingness. This 
metaphor is primarily invoked to guard the Goan identity, an issue that has 
gathered a lot of storm in the recent times. But since the novel is an attempt 
to be a comment and a critique on the politics, society and morality and at 
some level is made to operate as a homily, it lacks nuance. Manuel Fernandes 
has tried to focus in this direction but has fallen short to provide a strong 
argument and narrative simply because his views are not nuanced and critical of 
the world he has observed and is a part of. Coupled with a lack of planning of 
the plot, the whole novel stands on shaky ground. Throughout the novel, Manuel 
Fernandes also tries to portray how an ideal woman should behave and conduct 
herself in the society. His portrayal of the woman being not just a seductress, 
but the very object of temptation seems shallow for
  our times.
The cover of the book could have been a lot better. Budd’tti is published under 
the aegis of the Dalgado Konknni Akademi and as such there is a greater 
responsibility resting on the shoulders of this organization to think of 
including more checks and balances in the editorial department so that the end 
result may not lack in the most important aspect of a book: a good reading 

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Push thought to extremes
-Louis Althusser

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