On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 2:39 AM AEDT E DeSousa wrote:

>Thanks! Con Menezes for posting  a link to alert us to the scary story of the 
>rise of the superbugs.
>Gabriel De Figueiredo points out that "superbugs are also created when 
>waste is not disposed of properly, preferably by inceneration ".
>This is quite alarming as it implies that infections that up to now could be 
>dealt with using known antibiotcs, could be out of control, unless new drugs 
>could be developed to to once again tackle the world's most resistant germs. 
>Some excerpts from an writeup on the subject by Jason Gale and Adi Narayan - 
>7, 2012 
>"The new superbugs are multiplying so successfully because of a gene dubbed 
>NDM-1. That’s short for New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1, a reference to the 
>city where a Swedish man was hospitalized in 2007 with an infection that 
>resisted standard antibiotic treatments. "
>"The superbugs are proving to be not only wily but also highly sexed. The 
>gene is carried on mobile loops of DNA called plasmids that transfer easily 
>among and across many types of bacteria through a form of microbial mating. 
>means that unlike previous germ-altering genes, NDM-1 can infiltrate dozens of 
>bacterial species. Intestine-dwelling E. coli, the most common bacterium that 
>people encounter, soil-inhabiting microbes and water-loving cholera bugs can 
>be fortified by the gene. 
>What’s worse, germs empowered by NDM-1 can muster as many as nine other ways 
>destroy the world’s most potent antibiotics. "
>"More than 40 countries have discovered the genetically altered superbugs in 
>blood, urine and other patient specimens. Canada, France, Italy, Kosovo and 
>South Africa have found them in people with no travel links, suggesting the 
>have taken hold there. "
>Read more at 

Wow - that is worse than I thought.

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