As a Nobel Laureate in 1979 she was asked: “What can we  do to  promote world 
An unlikely question to a woman  who was neither a  head  of  a State, nor  a  
pontifical  leader  in  the Vatican. But  deep  inside,  the questioner  
recognized  the power of a  diminutive nun who could overcome  the  constraints 
of cast, creed or religion,  and  touch  the hearts of those  who  lived  in  
stench  and squalor. 
Her down-to-earth answer was: “If we have no peace, it is because we have 
forgotten that we all belong to one another. Go home and love your family. In 
the following year, India bestowed on her its highest civilian honour, 
theBharat Ratna.   
(An excerpt from my book: SIMPLY MY WAY ( 
Bennet Paes                                      
 On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Ana Maria Fernandes <> wrote:

> Some one may ask question what is so great in Mother Teresa ? Before you
> may think something different I would like to say Mother Theresa understood
> God as Her Father, and everyone born in this world are children of God the
> father and that what made her embrace poverty and embrace lepers and that
> is great in Mother Theresa. I had an opportunity to meet Mother Theresa
> when my beloved hubby took me to calcutta. I thought that we might have to
> remain in que or make an appointment but we were shocked when we saw Mother
> theremotsa waiting for us at the mother house . I had infact phoned earlier
> that we want to see her and she respected me and my husband and she wanted
> to meet us and there I saw Christ.What a dynamic mother. what a religious
> nun and what a good christian. My dictonary has no adjectives to describe
> her and that is the reason me and my husband will always be ready to do
> anything for her nuns. Whenever we see a bhem tlue sari nuns we stop to
> talk to them and help them or invite to our place for in each blue sari
> nuns we see Jesus Christ.What about you ?

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