Dear Augusto,

Please accept my sincere personal apology for the discourtesies that
you have endured during this edition of the GALF. Not to make any
excuses, but unique challenges did unfold rapidly throughout the five
days (like our/your venue at Maquinez being cancelled at the last
minute!) none more than bringing widely mixed programming of this type
to the Cabo, Azad Maidan and Municipal Garden for the first time.

The success of our unique volunteer-managed festival is entirely due
to selfless partners like Graphic Books Goa, Bookworm, and Goa Book
Club. In this regard also, please accept my sincere apologies for
causing the hurt feelings you retain about your own efforts for GALF.
Your Goa Book Club panels were a terrific addition to the slate of
events this year, and we all know that you worked extremely hard to do
a very difficult job in close to maddening conditions. Thank you very
much, Augusto, and unreserved apologies for my brusqueness the past
few days - they have been hectic.

Finally, also sorry that you did not enjoy the spectacular readings +
theatre petrformance at Cabo as much  the rest of the audience
obviously did, as well as all the readers and performers themselves,
definitely including Manohar Shetty (cc'd here) ,

Warm regards,


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