Date: January 1, 2013

decision of the Goa Government not to allow mining rejects to be stored in 
agricultural fields. Needless to say that this must have been the policy of any 
responsible government elected by the people, at all times.  Nevertheless, 
better late than never.

Goa's agriculture has seen the downfall since the promulgation of the Tenancy 
Act 1964 by the erstwhile MGP Government of Dayanand Bandokdar. The vibrant 
agricultural scene of Goa has since vanished in thin air  from the time  Goa's  
prime Agrarian Instititutions [the 'GAUMKARIES' later appelled as 'COMUNIDADES 
OF GOA by the erstwhile Portuguese who ruled Goa for 450 years and who 
preserved these Unique Goan Agrarian Institutions, realizing their worth in 
gold]   were waylaid by this MGP government which ruled Goa for 17 years after 
the invasion and annexation of Goa by India in 1961, an irresponsible act,  
selling to gullible GOANs  this vile act as LIBERATION , which infact  was a 
blemish on the 'non-violence' promoting face of India at the United Nations 
level. It is saddening that the  MGP government of Dayanand Bandodkar traded 
Goa's excellence in agriculture to vote-bank politics. 

The need of the hour is for the  successive governments of Goa to bring back 
the lost glory of Goa through reviving it's agricultural potential, primarily 
through abolishing the Tenancy Act 1964 which allows vast amount  of  
agricultural lands belonging to the Comunidades of Goa [which lands were 
tenanted] to remain fallow. Any worthwhile government that was elected to rule 
Goa after the so called liberation should have incorporated the clause into the 
Tenancy Act, 1964,  whereby agricultural tenanted lands could not be left 
fallow on the pains of being taken over and re-allocated to those who would 
till the lands. This has been the code of Comunidades before the coming into 
being of the sad vile Tenancy Act,  1964, which has resulted in tenanted 
agricultural lands to be misused for building purposes by the government as 
well as by the tenants.

It is a calamitous situation that the successive governments of GOA have 
allowed Goa to be utterly dependent on the agricultural produces from 
neighboring States, more specifically from Belgaum, Karwar and Hubli. This must 
stop if Goa is not to be held at ransom in times to come for it's needs of 
agricultural produces, which produces are unchecked and replete with dangerous 
to life pesticides contents which is bound to deteriorate the health and well 
being for Goa's population and those of the visiting tourists and other long 
term visitors.

for Goa Su-Raj Party & Goa Environmental Action Group
Floriano Lobo
[Joint] General Secretary
383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa- 403 507
Telefax: (0832) 2470223
Mobile: 9890470896

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