January 8, 2013

The Editor,
TOI, HERALD, NT, GT, .............................


Sub: Press Note for Kind Favour of Publication- Re: 'Parrikar compares his 
troubles with Christ's sufferings' 

Kindly oblige

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Floriano Lobo
General Secretary/Spokesperson
H.O:  383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa-403 507
Telefax: (0832) 2470223
Mobile: 9890470896
Email: floriano.l...@gmail.com
Website: www.goasu-raj.org

Press Note 

The Goa Su-Raj Party is overjoyed to note, from the statement made by Manohar 
Parrikar  in his village of Parra,  that his troubles are comparable with the 
sufferings of CHRIST, for the simple reason that the CRUCIFIXION scene that 
shook the world in the past 20.13 centuries AD in Judea at Mount Calvary is 
soon to be enacted afresh at Parra-GOA with the CRUCIFIXION  of a new avatar of 
Christ in Manohar Parrikar.  All that this Party can say is OMG ! Goa sure 
needs the attention of the WORLD in these trying times where the loot from 
mining is scant to maintain the life-style and vote-banks on free for all 

If at all CHRIST did have the mastery over making U-Turns, Judas, and not He 
would be nailed to the Cross. Giving this ridiculous statement coming out from 
the mouth of our IIT'an CM a good deal of thought, this Party feels that he 
(Parrikar) got the ICON entirely wrong to compare himself with. He should be 
comparing himself to Lord Ganesha, instead, having many more 'hands' than Lord 
Ganesha  actually is believed to have, because, even Lord Ganesha would find 
himself totally and completely inadequate  to distribute the number of DOLES  
that Parrikar has been distributing  and is intending to distribute in the near 
future, unmindful of loading the exchequer with  a terrible loan-burden,  
instead of going easy on borrowings and selling off precious State securities 
by stopping all vote-bank welfare schemes.
Jesus Christ... in deed !

And, if any of our elected 'Catlik' Goan 'jokers' had to utter something like 
this, comparing themselves to Lord Ram or Lord Krishna, there would be riots to 
deal with and endless apologies demanded from every rooftop for 'hurting' 
RELIGIOUS SENTIMENTS' of Hindus.  It is just as well that the  erstwhile 
PORTUGUESE had  good sense to condition 'Catlik' Goans to ignore and pass off 
such 'gaffes' from idiotic IIT'ans with a laugh or two. If at all Parrikar has 
identified himself with Christ, it is because he knows that 'Catlik' Goans are 
in his pocket, including those heavily decorated ornaments who adorn the 
Bishop's Palace at Altinho, Panjim. Should he (Parrikar) decide to be stupid 
enough to compare himself to Prophet Mohammed, instead, he will be instant 

As an after thought, if  Goa Su-Raj Party were given the charge of nailing 
Parrikar-Christ to the cross, the Party would want to do a 'number' on the 
'CARPENTER'  that nailed CHRIST to the CROSS,  by pocketing not one,  but two 
of the nails, leaving him (Parrikar) hanging by his 'nailed to the cross' palms 
only.  And just like they jeered at the hanging 'CHRIST' wanting Him to use his 
powers to free Himself from the Cross and save Himself,  GSRP would want to 
jeer at Goa's  hanging from the cross ' Ladla' CM-Christ and goad/urge him to 
make as many U-Turns as possible so that he could  break the Guinness Book of 
World Records. 

At best, Goa Su-Raj Party feels that Goa's Ladla CM does not come even 
light-years closer to CHIRST and his sufferings and needs to be sent to APNA 
GHAR for 'juveniles' to rewind and come to his senses before he becomes 
completely raving mad with the ' PRO-MINING SYNDROME'  


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