
Let me remind you that you, along with  Juino D'Souza were on the BJP stage
promoting BJP during 2007 Elections in the Aldona Constituency. The meeting was at Britona, Penha de France. Remember??? Never mind about Juino. He was alway a BJP man. But you was too??


----- Original Message ----- From: "Aires Rodrigues" <>
To: "goanet" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:59 PM

I have absolutely nothing personal against Manohar Parrikar with whom I
have a very cordial relationship. Over the last 40 years I have highlighted
wrongs done by successive governments and this mission I shall relentlessly
pursue till my very end. During the Congress rule I was branded as a BJP
man, now the BJP may feel I am an agent of the Congress. But I am what I am
and so shall I remain, uncompromising and outspoken against anything that
is wrong.  I believe in fearlessly taking the bull by the horn.

Unlike his earlier stint as Chief Minister people thought that learning
from his past mistakes that Manohar Parrikar would change for the better.
Far from it, he has been a disaster. The problem with Mr. Manohar Parrikar
is that he continues to be a bad listener. Unable to tolerate any
criticism. His arrogance which he had craftily masked during last year’s
election campaign now stands exposed. His autocratic style of functioning
has no place in our democratic set up. A shrewd manipulator, Mr. Parrikar
is a man who cannot be trusted for his word. He can give you a twist in the
tale and take you on a joy ride into the fool’s paradise. A good leader has
to be humble, caring, sensitive and without ego.* *

As part of his cunningly orchestrated political stunts Manohar Parrikar may
have driven pillion on Caitu’s scooter at Benaulim, ridden a bicycle at
Rachol and bought grams at the Navelim feast. These are all antics of a
politician which by now will fool no Goan. His attendance at weddings and
funerals of one and all will also mesmerize none. His mandate was for Zero
tolerance to corruption and good governance with utmost transparency. What
we have seen instead is over 11 months of a chaotic one man rule, riddled
with a mountain of U turns. Manohar Parrikar stands red faced, but sadly he
does not see his own face.

I am sure he must be working overtime to try and corner me. Fortunately as
a lawyer I am not dependent on the government for my daily bread. My 35 sq
mt office keeps me content. No desire of a multi storeyed office or a fleet
of Mercedes alike my friend Atmaram Nadkarni.

Manohar Parrikar’s vindictive nature is now known to all. He must be
yearning to catch me on the wrong foot but I act strictly within the
parameters of law. I have no property for the Government to acquire as
otherwise he would have definitely tried to settle scores by invoking the
Land acquisition Act. He would be happy to see me fined whilst talking on
the phone while at the wheel. But I have vowed not to take any call even
the Chief Minister’s. I never over speed and always wear a seat belt.  He
will never get an occasion to use a breathalyzer on me as I never take to
the wheels after hitting the Tuborg. The only rule I have been violating is
of not going to Church every Sunday. But on this matter it is not Mr.
Parrikar but his neighbor the Archbishop of Goa who can pull me up. And of
course he may try and penalize me for not wearing a helmet. But Mr. Chief
Minister I have now already bought one.

I have known Manohar Parrikar for over a decade and half but there are
persons who could be a better judge of him. Vijay Khot, Dayanand Sopte and
Rajesh Patnekar were his MLAs and have worked very closely with the Master
of all U turns for many long years. They may be in a better position to
speak about Manohar Parrikar the Man, his character, integrity and
trustfulness. However, I earnestly appeal to Mr. Manohar Parrikar to take
criticism positively and change his style of functioning and begin acting
as a good decent leader, before it gets the better of him. I rest my case.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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